Folder by Feature CLI Utility :open_file_folder:

A Dart CLI tool that generates a folder structure based on the folder-by-feature pattern. This tool simplifies setting up the required directory structure for models, services, repositories, screens, and widgets, reducing the repetitive setup work.

This tool builds on the original feature_folder_cli, which hasn't been maintained for over 1.5 years. This version introduces enhancements and improvements, making it a more robust and up-to-date solution.

Folder Structure :file_folder:

The CLI generates the following folder structure for each feature:

┣ domain/
┃ ┣ models/
┃ ┣ repository/
┃ ┣ services/
┃ ┗ index.dart
┣ screens/
┃ ┣ feature_screen.dart
┃ ┗ index.dart
┣ widgets/
┃ ┣ feature_component.dart
┃ ┗ index.dart
┣ providers/
┃ ┣ feature_provider.dart
┃ ┗ index.dart
┗ index.dart

Command Usage :wrench:

Make sure you are in the root of your project

ff generate -n <feature_name> -t <type> -p <path>
  • -n <feature_name>: Specifies the name of the feature.
  • -t <type>: Specifies the state management type. Supported values are provider, getx, cubit, and bloc.
  • -p <path>: Specifies the path where the feature folder should be created.

Supported Types

  • provider
  • getx
  • cubit
  • bloc

Example Usage :wrench:

ff generate -n Example -t provider -p features
ff generate -n Example -t getx -p features
ff generate -n Example -t cubit -p features
ff generate -n Example -t bloc -p features

Each command will generate the folder structure and initial files for the specified feature.

Installation :gear:

To install this utility, run the following command:

dart pub global activate feature_folder_cli_plus

Then, ensure that Dart's bin directory is added to your system's PATH to use the ff command globally.

License :scroll:

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.