
This is a package that helps you create a feature-by-folder structure for organizing code and resources in a Flutter app.

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  • The package helps to create a future by folder folder structure template for each feature using the command.
  • Help create screens, const, utils, models, controllers, and services directories inside the lib directory
  • It helps to create directories like const, models, controllers and services in feature directory.
  • Helps to create template files for models, controllers, and services inside the feature directory

Getting Started

Follow these steps to use the package in your Flutter project:

1. Depend on it

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:



> Start Folder by Feature:

Create to screens, const, utils, models, controllers, and services directories.

dart pub run f start

> Create New Feature:

Create to new feature directory.

dart pub run f create <your_feature_name>

Folder Structure

This is a package that helps you create a feature-by-folder structure for organizing code and resources in a Flutter app:

  • features: Contains directories for each feature in the app.

    • <feature_name>: Replace <feature_name> with the actual name of your feature.
      • constants: Holds constants specific to the feature.
      • utils: Includes utility functions or classes specific to the feature.
      • models: Contains data models or classes related to the feature.
      • controller: Contains the controller or logic for the feature.
      • services: Includes service classes or files related to the feature.
      • widgets: Contains custom widgets or UI components specific to the feature.
  • screens: Holds individual screen files for the app. You can have multiple screen files for different screens in the app.

  • constants: Contains constants that are used throughout the app, not specific to any particular feature.

  • utils: Includes utility functions or classes that are used throughout the app, not specific to any particular feature.

  • models: Contains data models or classes that are used throughout the app, not specific to any particular feature.

  • controller: Contains the main controller or logic for the entire app.

  • services: Includes service classes or files that are used throughout the app, not specific to any particular feature.

  • widgets: Contains custom widgets or UI components that are used throughout the app, not specific to any particular feature.

  • main.dart: The entry point of the app.

