FeatherSvgIcons class abstract

A wrapping of feather icons (.svg files), to be used with flutter_svg_icons package.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


activity → const _FeatherSvgIconData
airplay → const _FeatherSvgIconData
alert_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
alert_octagon → const _FeatherSvgIconData
alert_triangle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
align_center → const _FeatherSvgIconData
align_justify → const _FeatherSvgIconData
align_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
align_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
anchor → const _FeatherSvgIconData
aperture → const _FeatherSvgIconData
archive → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_backward → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_down → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_down_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_down_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_down_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_forward → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_left_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_right_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_start → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_up → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_up_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_up_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
arrow_up_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
at_sign → const _FeatherSvgIconData
award → const _FeatherSvgIconData
battery → const _FeatherSvgIconData
battery_charging → const _FeatherSvgIconData
bell → const _FeatherSvgIconData
bell_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
bluetooth → const _FeatherSvgIconData
bold → const _FeatherSvgIconData
book → const _FeatherSvgIconData
book_open → const _FeatherSvgIconData
bookmark → const _FeatherSvgIconData
box → const _FeatherSvgIconData
briefcase → const _FeatherSvgIconData
calendar → const _FeatherSvgIconData
camera → const _FeatherSvgIconData
camera_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
cast → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chart_bar → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chart_bar2 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chart_pie → const _FeatherSvgIconData
check → const _FeatherSvgIconData
check_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
check_square → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevron_backward → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevron_down → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevron_forward → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevron_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevron_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevron_up → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevrons_backward → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevrons_down → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevrons_forward → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevrons_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevrons_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chevrons_up → const _FeatherSvgIconData
chrome → const _FeatherSvgIconData
circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
clipboard → const _FeatherSvgIconData
clock → const _FeatherSvgIconData
cloud → const _FeatherSvgIconData
cloud_drizzle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
cloud_lightning → const _FeatherSvgIconData
cloud_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
cloud_rain → const _FeatherSvgIconData
cloud_snow → const _FeatherSvgIconData
code → const _FeatherSvgIconData
code_sandbox → const _FeatherSvgIconData
codepen → const _FeatherSvgIconData
coffee → const _FeatherSvgIconData
columns → const _FeatherSvgIconData
command → const _FeatherSvgIconData
compass → const _FeatherSvgIconData
copy → const _FeatherSvgIconData
corner_down_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
corner_down_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
corner_left_down → const _FeatherSvgIconData
corner_left_up → const _FeatherSvgIconData
corner_right_down → const _FeatherSvgIconData
corner_right_up → const _FeatherSvgIconData
corner_up_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
corner_up_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
cpu → const _FeatherSvgIconData
credit_card → const _FeatherSvgIconData
crop → const _FeatherSvgIconData
crosshair → const _FeatherSvgIconData
database → const _FeatherSvgIconData
delete → const _FeatherSvgIconData
disk → const _FeatherSvgIconData
divide → const _FeatherSvgIconData
divide_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
divide_square → const _FeatherSvgIconData
dollar_sign → const _FeatherSvgIconData
download → const _FeatherSvgIconData
download_cloud → const _FeatherSvgIconData
dribble → const _FeatherSvgIconData
droplet → const _FeatherSvgIconData
edit → const _FeatherSvgIconData
edit_2 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
edit_3 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
eye → const _FeatherSvgIconData
eye_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
facebook → const _FeatherSvgIconData
fast_forward → const _FeatherSvgIconData
feather → const _FeatherSvgIconData
figma → const _FeatherSvgIconData
file_minus → const _FeatherSvgIconData
file_plus → const _FeatherSvgIconData
file_text → const _FeatherSvgIconData
filer → const _FeatherSvgIconData
film → const _FeatherSvgIconData
flag → const _FeatherSvgIconData
folder → const _FeatherSvgIconData
folder_minus → const _FeatherSvgIconData
folder_plus → const _FeatherSvgIconData
framer → const _FeatherSvgIconData
frown → const _FeatherSvgIconData
gift → const _FeatherSvgIconData
git_branch → const _FeatherSvgIconData
git_commit → const _FeatherSvgIconData
git_lab → const _FeatherSvgIconData
git_merge → const _FeatherSvgIconData
git_pull_request → const _FeatherSvgIconData
github → const _FeatherSvgIconData
globe → const _FeatherSvgIconData
grid → const _FeatherSvgIconData
hard_drive → const _FeatherSvgIconData
hash → const _FeatherSvgIconData
headphones → const _FeatherSvgIconData
heart → const _FeatherSvgIconData
help_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
hexagon → const _FeatherSvgIconData
home → const _FeatherSvgIconData
image → const _FeatherSvgIconData
inbox → const _FeatherSvgIconData
info → const _FeatherSvgIconData
instagram → const _FeatherSvgIconData
italic → const _FeatherSvgIconData
key → const _FeatherSvgIconData
layers → const _FeatherSvgIconData
layout → const _FeatherSvgIconData
life_buoy → const _FeatherSvgIconData
link2 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
linkedin → const _FeatherSvgIconData
list → const _FeatherSvgIconData
loader → const _FeatherSvgIconData
lock → const _FeatherSvgIconData
login → const _FeatherSvgIconData
logout → const _FeatherSvgIconData
mail → const _FeatherSvgIconData
map → const _FeatherSvgIconData
map_pin → const _FeatherSvgIconData
maximize → const _FeatherSvgIconData
maximize2 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
meh → const _FeatherSvgIconData
message_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
message_square → const _FeatherSvgIconData
mic → const _FeatherSvgIconData
mic_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
minimize → const _FeatherSvgIconData
minimize2 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
minus → const _FeatherSvgIconData
minus_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
minus_square → const _FeatherSvgIconData
monitor → const _FeatherSvgIconData
moon → const _FeatherSvgIconData
more_horizontal → const _FeatherSvgIconData
more_vertical → const _FeatherSvgIconData
mouse_pointer → const _FeatherSvgIconData
move → const _FeatherSvgIconData
music → const _FeatherSvgIconData
octagon → const _FeatherSvgIconData
package → const _FeatherSvgIconData
paperclip → const _FeatherSvgIconData
pause → const _FeatherSvgIconData
pause_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
pen_tool → const _FeatherSvgIconData
percent → const _FeatherSvgIconData
phone → const _FeatherSvgIconData
phone_call → const _FeatherSvgIconData
phone_forwarded → const _FeatherSvgIconData
phone_incoming → const _FeatherSvgIconData
phone_missed → const _FeatherSvgIconData
phone_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
phone_outgoing → const _FeatherSvgIconData
play → const _FeatherSvgIconData
play_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
plus → const _FeatherSvgIconData
plus_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
plus_square → const _FeatherSvgIconData
pocket → const _FeatherSvgIconData
power → const _FeatherSvgIconData
printer → const _FeatherSvgIconData
radio → const _FeatherSvgIconData
refresh_ccw → const _FeatherSvgIconData
refresh_cw → const _FeatherSvgIconData
repeat → const _FeatherSvgIconData
rewind → const _FeatherSvgIconData
rotate_ccw → const _FeatherSvgIconData
rotate_cw → const _FeatherSvgIconData
rss → const _FeatherSvgIconData
save → const _FeatherSvgIconData
scissors → const _FeatherSvgIconData
send → const _FeatherSvgIconData
server → const _FeatherSvgIconData
settings → const _FeatherSvgIconData
share → const _FeatherSvgIconData
share2 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
shield → const _FeatherSvgIconData
shield_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
shopping_bag → const _FeatherSvgIconData
shopping_cart → const _FeatherSvgIconData
shuffle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
skip_back → const _FeatherSvgIconData
skip_forward → const _FeatherSvgIconData
slack → const _FeatherSvgIconData
slash → const _FeatherSvgIconData
sliders → const _FeatherSvgIconData
smartphone → const _FeatherSvgIconData
smile → const _FeatherSvgIconData
speaker → const _FeatherSvgIconData
square → const _FeatherSvgIconData
star → const _FeatherSvgIconData
stop_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
sun → const _FeatherSvgIconData
sunrise → const _FeatherSvgIconData
sunset → const _FeatherSvgIconData
tablet → const _FeatherSvgIconData
tag → const _FeatherSvgIconData
target → const _FeatherSvgIconData
terminal → const _FeatherSvgIconData
thermometer → const _FeatherSvgIconData
thumbs_down → const _FeatherSvgIconData
thumbs_up → const _FeatherSvgIconData
toggle_left → const _FeatherSvgIconData
toggle_right → const _FeatherSvgIconData
tool → const _FeatherSvgIconData
trash → const _FeatherSvgIconData
trash2 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
trello → const _FeatherSvgIconData
triangle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
truck → const _FeatherSvgIconData
tv → const _FeatherSvgIconData
twitch → const _FeatherSvgIconData
twitter → const _FeatherSvgIconData
type → const _FeatherSvgIconData
umbrella → const _FeatherSvgIconData
underline → const _FeatherSvgIconData
unlock → const _FeatherSvgIconData
upload → const _FeatherSvgIconData
upload_cloud → const _FeatherSvgIconData
user → const _FeatherSvgIconData
user_check → const _FeatherSvgIconData
user_minus → const _FeatherSvgIconData
user_plus → const _FeatherSvgIconData
user_x → const _FeatherSvgIconData
users → const _FeatherSvgIconData
video → const _FeatherSvgIconData
video_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
voicemail → const _FeatherSvgIconData
volume → const _FeatherSvgIconData
volume_1 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
volume_2 → const _FeatherSvgIconData
volume_x → const _FeatherSvgIconData
watch → const _FeatherSvgIconData
wifi → const _FeatherSvgIconData
wifi_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
wind → const _FeatherSvgIconData
x → const _FeatherSvgIconData
x_circle → const _FeatherSvgIconData
x_octagon → const _FeatherSvgIconData
x_square → const _FeatherSvgIconData
youtube → const _FeatherSvgIconData
zap → const _FeatherSvgIconData
zap_off → const _FeatherSvgIconData
zoom_in → const _FeatherSvgIconData
zoom_out → const _FeatherSvgIconData