fcnui CLI

The fcnui CLI (Command-Line Interface) tool is a powerful utility designed to simplify the management of fcnui components within Flutter projects.

Getting started



  1. init:

    • Initializes a new Flutter project with fcnui integration.
    • Creates a directory structure for managing fcnui components.
    • Creates fcnui.json file to store the project's configuration.
  2. add component_name:

    • Fetches the specified component from the API.
    • Checks if the component already exists in the project and if the version is up-to-date.
    • If the component is not present or an updated version is available, prompts the user to add or update the component.
    • Generates a new Dart file for the component if added or updated.
  3. help:

    • Provides information about all available commands and their usage.
  4. version:

    • Displays the current version of the fcnui CLI tool.
