Simple Implementation !
The "Fast UI Kit" is a Flutter package that aims to simplify application development by providing a collection of ready-to-use components. Similar to Quasar, it offers a set of components that can be used to quickly and efficiently create user interfaces while maintaining a consistent and elegant design.
The main goal of the "Fast UI Kit" is to expedite the development process by allowing developers to utilize pre-defined components instead of building each element from scratch. This saves time and effort while helping to maintain a cohesive visual appearance throughout the application.
✅ Dark Mode suporte ✅ Color scheme suporte
The components screenshots with colors scheme green selected
example of button
example of form field
example of form field
example of button group
example of audio player
example of calendar
example of carousel
example of typographic
example of LinkFy
example of input picker
example of column
Use FastColumn to have a vertical gap between components
Define your theme
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
final theme = FastTheme(seed:;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
darkTheme: theme.dark,
theme: theme.light,
home: const HomePage(),
- FastColum
- FastRow
- FastImg
- FastAvatar
- FastAnimate
- FastCalendar
- FastTable
- FastSkeleton
- FastSearchAppBar
- FastFormField
- FastFormFieldFile
- FastFormAvatarFile
- FastDropDown
- FastSearchSelect
- FastDialog
- FastContent
- FastCarousel
- FastButton
- FastButtonIcon
- FastButtonGroup
- FastAudio
- FastLinkFy
- FastIcon ->
Typographic- context.H1
- context.H2
- context.H3
- context.H4
- context.H5
- context.H6
- context.P
- context.height
- context.width
- context.dialog
- context.push
- context.pushNamed
- context.pushReplacement
- context.pushReplacementNamed
- context.pushAndRemoveUntil
- context.pushAndRemoveUntilNamed
- pop
- popUntil
- popUntilNamed
- context.colors
color scheme
- context.theme
current theme
- context.button
button scheme of colors
- context.brightness
brightness of application
- context.showMessage
'Update user successful',
title: 'Sucesso', //optional field
type: MessageVariant.success, //optional field
position:, //optional field
style: Style.flat, //optional field
- FastDebounce
- FastUUID
- FastClipboard
- FastLinkFyHelper
- FastAudioService
- FastPickerService
Feito com ❤️ by Weliton Sousa
- extension/context
- extension/size
- extension/text
- fast_ui_kit
- icons/data
- icons/icons
- icons/icons_fonts/ant
- icons/icons_fonts/brandico_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/elusive_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/entypo
- icons/icons_fonts/evil_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/feather
- icons/icons_fonts/font_awesome
- icons/icons_fonts/font_awesome5_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/font_awesome_5
- icons/icons_fonts/font_awesome_5_brands
- icons/icons_fonts/font_awesome_5_solid
- icons/icons_fonts/font_elico_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/foundation
- icons/icons_fonts/ionicons
- icons/icons_fonts/linearicons_free_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/linecons_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/maki_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/material_community_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/material_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/meteocons_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/mfg_labs_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/modern_pictograms_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/octicons
- icons/icons_fonts/rpg_awesome_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/simple_line_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/typicons_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/weather_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/web_symbols_icons
- icons/icons_fonts/zocial
- services/audio_service
- services/picker
- ui/theme/fast_theme
- ui/widgets/animate
- ui/widgets/audio
- ui/widgets/avatar
- ui/widgets/calendar
- ui/widgets/carousel
- ui/widgets/column
- ui/widgets/content
- ui/widgets/dialog
- ui/widgets/dropdown
- ui/widgets/form_avatar_file
- ui/widgets/form_field
- ui/widgets/form_field_file
- ui/widgets/img
- ui/widgets/link_fy
- ui/widgets/row
- ui/widgets/search_app_bar
- ui/widgets/search_select
- ui/widgets/skeleton
- ui/widgets/table
- utils/clipboard
- utils/debounce
- utils/enum/velocity
- utils/link_fy_helper
- utils/top_snackbar
- utils/uuid