
Fast noise is a direct port from the implementations by Jordan Peck. The Dart version currently does not yet leverage SIMD for better performance.


fast_noise offers both 2D and 3D noise generation with noise2 and noise3

The following noise types are available:


Try out some settings here


Cellular Noise

import 'package:fast_noise/fast_noise.dart';

main() {
  var arr2d = noise2(w, h,
      noiseType: NoiseType.Cellular,
      octaves: 5,
      frequency: 0.015,
      cellularReturnType: CellularReturnType.Distance2Add);

Cellular Noise

import 'package:fast_noise/fast_noise.dart';

main() {
  var arr2d = noise2(w, h,
      noiseType: NoiseType.Perlin,
      octaves: 3,
      frequency: 0.05);

Perlin Noise

import 'package:fast_noise/fast_noise.dart';

main() {
  var arr2d = noise2(w, h,
      noiseType: NoiseType.SimplexFractal,
      octaves: 4,
      frequency: 0.0075)

Simplex Fractal Noise

You can also call a noise type directly:

  var noise = new ValueNoise(interp: Interp.Quintic, octaves: 5);
  // generate 512x512  
  for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < 512; y++) {
      noise.singleValueFractalBillow2(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble());

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


This is a port of FastNoise, by Jordan Peck Please visit