addAll method

M<K, V> addAll(
  1. IMap<K, V> imap, {
  2. bool keepOrder = false,

The entries of the given imap will be added to the original map. Note: imap entries that already exist in the original map will overwrite those of the original map.

If the current map is sorted, then if keepOrder is false (the default), those entries that already exist will go to the end of the new map. If keepOrder is true, those entries that already exist will be replaced in place.

If the current map is NOT sorted, the keepOrder parameter is ignored.

Note: This will NOT sort anything.


M<K, V> addAll(IMap<K, V> imap, {bool keepOrder = false}) {
  if (keepOrder) {
    Map<K, V> map = Map.fromEntries(entries.followedBy(imap.entries));
    return MFlat<K, V>.unsafe(map);
  else {
    // We want the entries being added to overwrite those of the original add.
    // So we have to remove the entries that are already present in the second map.
    Map<K, V> firstMap =
        ListMap.fromEntries(entries.where((entry) => !imap.containsKey(entry.key)));

    M<K, V> firstM = MFlat<K, V>.unsafe(firstMap);

    return MAddAll<K, V>.unsafe(firstM, imap._m);