toEntryIList method

IList<MapEntry<K, V>> toEntryIList({
  1. int compare(
    1. MapEntry<K, V>? a,
    2. MapEntry<K, V>? b
  2. ConfigList? config,

Returns an IList of the map entries.

Optionally, you may provide a config for the list.

The list will be sorted if the map's sort configuration is true, or if you explicitly provide a compare method.


IList<MapEntry<K, V>> toEntryIList({
  int Function(MapEntry<K, V>? a, MapEntry<K, V>? b)? compare,
  ConfigList? config,
}) {
  var result = IList<MapEntry<K, V>>.withConfig(entries, config ?? IList.defaultConfig);
  if (compare != null || this.config.sort) result = result.sort(compare);
  return result;