FastBase58EncodingAlphabet function
String FastBase58EncodingAlphabet(List<int> bin, Alphabet alphabet) {
var size = bin.length;
var zcount = 0;
for (; zcount < size && bin[zcount] == 0;) {
// It is crucial to make this as short as possible, especially for
// the usual case of bitcoin addrs
size = (zcount +
// This is an integer simplification of
// ceil(log(256)/log(58))
(size - zcount) * 555 ~/ 406 +
var out = List<int>.filled(size, 0);
var i = 0, high = 0;
high = size - 1;
bin.forEach((b) {
i = size - 1;
for (var carry = b; i > high || carry != 0; i--) {
carry = (carry + 256 * (out[i])) & 0xffffffff;
out[i] = carry % 58;
carry = carry ~/ 58;
high = i;
// Determine the additional "zero-gap" in the buffer (aside from zcount)
for (i = zcount; i < size && out[i] == 0; i++) {}
// Now encode the values with actual alphabet in-place
var val = out.sublist(i - zcount);
size = val.length;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
out[i] = alphabet.encode[val[i]];
return String.fromCharCodes(out.sublist(0, size));