
Fast barcode & QR code scanning library using the latest technologies on Android and iOS.

It provides a live preview widget you can put anywhere in your widget tree with rich configurability.

"Buy Me A Coffee"


This plugin required iOS 11.0 and Android API level 21 or higher.

Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml:

fast_barcode_scanner: ^2.0.0-dev.2


Add the NSCameraUsageDescription key to your ios/Runner/Info.plist, like so:

<string>This app requires access to your phone’s camera solely for scanning barcodes or QR codes</string>


Change the minimum Android api level to 21 (or higher) in your android/app/build.gradle file.

minSdkVersion 21


Insert the BarcodeCamera anywhere in your widget tree to get a live camera preview:

import 'package:fast_barcode_scanner/fast_barcode_scanner.dart';

class MyScannerScreen extends StatelessWidget {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
            appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Barcode and QR code Scanner')),
            body: BarcodeCamera(
                types: const [
                resolution: Resolution.hd720,
                framerate: Framerate.fps30,
                position: CameraPosition.back,
                mode: DetectionMode.pauseVideo,
                onScan: (code) => print(code),
                children: [
                    MaterialPreviewOverlay(animateDetection: false),
                      child: ElevatedButton(
                        onPressed: () =>
                        child: Text('Resume'),

Two overlays are included:

  • MaterialPreviewOverlay mimics the official material barcode scanning example.
  • BlurPreviewOverlay blurs the screen when a barcode or QR code is detected.

Controlling the camera

The CameraController-singleton manages the camera. Normally when using BarcodeCamera you don't need CameraController.

To get access use the following anyhwere in your code:

final controller = CameraController()

Here is a full list of all the methods CameraController provides:

method Description
initialize Initializes the scanner with the provided config
pauseDetector Actively pauses the scanner
resumeDetector Resumes the scanner from the paused state
toggleTorch toggles the torch on and off
changeConfiguration Push an updated ScannerConfiguration
dispose Stops and resets the camera on platform level


The state comes in handy when building overlays that change depending on it. You can access the state by using CameraController().state.

Attribute Description
isInitialized Indicated whether the camera is currently initialized
previewConfig The current PreviewConfiguration
scannerConfig The current ScannerConfiguration
eventNotifier Notifies listeners of CameraEvents
torchState The current state of the torch (on/off)
hasError Indicates if error is null or not
error Access the most recent error