toArguments method

Map<String, dynamic> toArguments()

Converts the descriptor to a map of arguments.

This method is useful for passing the descriptor as arguments to the Faketooth simulator.

Example usage:

FaketoothDescriptor descriptor = FaketoothDescriptor(
  uuid: '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
  initialValue: Uint8List.fromList([0x00, 0x00]),

Map<String, dynamic> arguments = descriptor.toArguments();
// Output: {uuid: '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', initialValue: Uint8List.fromList([0x00, 0x00])}


Map<String, dynamic> toArguments() {
  return {
    'uuid'          : uuid,
    'initialValue'  : initialValue,