ints method

List<int> ints(
  1. int count, {
  2. int min = 0,
  3. int? max,
  4. bool only32bit = false,
  5. bool only64bit = false,

generates a list containing count random integers whose values fall between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)

only32bit and only64bit will limit generated numbers to 32-bit or 64-bit integers (respectively). Setting both to true throws an ArgumentError Omitting both or setting both to false will randomly generate elements of both types If only32bit is set to true, then the value passed for min must be limited to a 32-bit max value; passing a number outside the 32-bit space will throw an ArgumentError


List<$> ints($ count, {$ min = 0, $ max, bool only32bit = false, bool only64bit = false}) {
  max ??= Int64.MAX_VALUE.toInt(); // -- force default even if `null` is explicitly passed

  if (only32bit && only64bit) {
    throw ArgumentError('Cannot set BOTH `only32bit` and `only64bit` to true');

  $ gen32(i) => int32(max: $math.min(Int32.MAX_VALUE.toInt(), max!), min: min).toInt();
  $ gen64(i) => int64(max: max, min: $math.max((Int32.MAX_VALUE.toInt() + 1), min)).toInt();

  if (Int32.MAX_VALUE < min) {
    if (only32bit && !only64bit) { // -- requested only32 bit, but with a min value greater than 32-bit max
      throw ArgumentError('When `only32bit` is true, value of `min` must be a 32-bit number also');

    only32bit = false;
    only64bit = true;

  if (Int32.MAX_VALUE.toInt() >= max) {
    if (only64bit && !only32bit) {
      throw ArgumentError('When `only64bit` is true, value of `max` must be a 64-bit number also');

    only32bit = true;
    only64bit = false;

  $ Function($ i) callback;
  if (only32bit && !only64bit) { // -- xor
    callback = gen32;
  } else if (only64bit && !only32bit) { // -- xor
    callback = gen64;
  } else { // -- mixed
    callback = (i) => (this.boolean() ? gen32 : gen64)(i); // -- 50/50 chance

  return List.generate(count, callback);