int32s method

List<Int32> int32s(
  1. int count, {
  2. int min = 0,
  3. int? max,

generates a list containing count random Int32s whose values fall between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) if passed, the value of min must be limited to a 32-bit max value; passing a number outside the 32-bit space will throw an ArgumentError


List<Int32> int32s($ count, {$ min = 0, $ max}) {
  max ??= Int32.MAX_VALUE.toInt(); // -- force default even if `null` is explicitly passed

  if (Int32.MAX_VALUE < min) {
    throw ArgumentError('Value of `min` must be a 32-bit number');

  return List.generate(count, (i) => int32(min: min, max: max));