
2023 © Bikramaditya Meher

Pub License: MIT

A plugin for web to hit apis with help of ajax and php without CORS issue in server side on release build. Note it will only work on release build.

Add this to your pubspec.yaml file.

fajax: ^1.0.0

To use Fajax you need to call below code in your State

  final _fajaxPlugin = Fajax();

To make a request

 late http.Response response;
    if (kIsWeb && kReleaseMode) {
      try {
        await Fajax().makeRequest(
            fajaxModel: FajaxModel(
              baseUrl: "https://geolocation-db.com/json",
              body: {},
              params: {},
              headers: {},
              method: "GET",
            onSuccess: (fajaxResult) {
              try {
                response = http.Response(
              } catch (e) {
                print("error on json decode $e :: end of error");
            onError: (p0) {
              print("error on get $p0");
              response = http.Response(
                "Something went wrong !!",
      } catch (e) {
        print("Error on getting data from fajax :: $e lllll ");
        response = http.Response(
          "Something went wrong !!",
    else {
      response = await http
          .get(Uri.parse("https://geolocation-db.com/json"), headers: {});
      log('RESPONSE : ${response.statusCode}\n :: $url  || ${response.body}');


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

for more information and please checkout example folder.