Fading in Widget

All you need to do is wrap your widget with the fading widget. The rest will happen by itself.

const FadingInWidget(
	child: FlutterLogo(),

Other parameters can come to the rescue if needed :)

const FadingInWidget(
	delay: Duration.zero, // This is the default value. 
	duration: Duration(seconds: 2), // This is the default value. 
	curve: Curves.easeInOut, // This is the default value. 
	child: FlutterLogo(),

That's all. Now you are ready to use the fading in widget.

Parameters are as follows. ☺️

  • child: This is the static widget you want to hide while scrolling.
  • duration: Determines how long the fade animation lasts.
  • delay: Determines after how long the fade animation will start.
  • curve: It is used to adjust the rate of change of the fade animation over time, allowing them to speed up and slow down instead of moving at a constant speed.

