IoC container for Dart inspired by Castle Windsor + Flutter MVVM framework.
IoC and DI
IoC/DI package is platform independent so can be used in both command line apps and Flutter.
Just add it to your pubspec.yaml
Creating container
import 'package:factory_castle/factory_castle.dart';
final container = FactoryContainer();
Component registration
As name suggests components are registered into container as factory deleagates. You have to manually inject dependencies into constructor (luckily, Dart will help you).
Reflection could be used to avoid manual injection but sadly dart:mirrors
library is not available for Flutter. Reflection support for non-Flutter apps may be intorduced later via separate package.
Let's register MyService
which takes Logger
and Config
objects as parameters:
container.register<MyService>((c) => MyService(c.res<Logger>(), c.res<Config>()));
Dart is good at type inference so you don't need to explicitly specify dependency types if they are the same as parameter types. You can also omit registered component type if you don't want to abstract it with any interface.
Next example does exactly the same as previous one:
container.register((c) => MyService(c.res(), c.res()));
Each factory delegate recieves shorthand wrapper for current FactoryContainer
instance as a parameter so that dependencies can be injected into constructor via res<>()
Components are resolved lazily which makes the order of registration not important. See the full example:
container.register((c) => MyService(c.res(), c.res()));
container.register((c) => Logger());
container.register((c) => Config(String.fromEnvironment('Flavor')));
Registering components under multiple interfaces is not supported yet. The following workaround is suggested:
final logger = FileLogger();
container.register<ILogger>((c) => logger);
container.register<Logger>((c) => logger);
Obtain components
Call FactoryContainer.resolve<>()
with component type to obtain it from container.
final repo = container.resolve<UserRepository>();
Component lifecycle can be specified via optional parameter in FactoryContainer.register()
container.register((c) => CacheEntry(c.res(), c.res()), lifestyle: Lifestyle.Transient);
Currently two lifecycle options are available.
Component's factory delegate is called once on first resolve<>()
. Same instance is returned on every subsequent call. This is default lifestyle.
Component's factory delegate is called on every resolve<>()
call. There is no way to specify dynamic parameters yet.
You can specify component name so that this exact component is resolved when needed.
container.register<ILogger>((c) => DbLogger(), name: 'DbLogger');
container.register<ILogger>((c) => FileLogger(), name: 'FileLogger');
// ...
final fileLog = container.resolve<ILogger>(name: 'FileLogger');
Component overrides
By default every unnamed registered component overrides previous. That is not a final design and can be changed in future. For now you can register multiple unnamed components and expect to get last one on resolve<>()
container.register<ICacheFactory>((c) => DefaultCacheFactory());
container.register<ICacheFactory>((c) => MyCacheFactory());
final cacheFactory = container.resolve<ICacheFactory>(); // MyCacheFactory
This behaviour is not consistent when both named and unnamed components are registered.
Container disposal
Container and component disposal is not yet implemented.
Container hierarchy
Flutter state management and MVVM
Root widget
Service Locator
Obtaining TickerProvider
Planned features.
Parameterized transient components creation
container.registerTransient((c, p) => CacheEntry(p['key'], c.res()));
// ...
final entry = container.resolve<CacheEntry>(params: { 'key': key });
Register components under multiple interfaces
container.register<IStorage, FileStorage>((c) => FileStorage(/*...*/));
Mark component as default upon registration
container.register((c) => FileStorage(/*...*/, asDefault: true));