loadRewardedVideoAd static method

Future<bool?> loadRewardedVideoAd({
  1. String placementId = "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID",
  2. dynamic listener(
    1. RewardedVideoAdResult,
    2. dynamic

Loads a rewarded video Ad in background. Replace the default placementId with the one which you obtain by signing-up for Facebook Audience Network.

listener passes RewardedVideoAdResult and information associated with the result to the implemented callback.

Information will generally be of type Map with details such as:

  'placement\_id': "YOUR\_PLACEMENT\_ID",
  'invalidated': false,
  'error\_code': 2,
  'error\_message': "No internet connection",


static Future<bool?> loadRewardedVideoAd({
  String placementId = "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID",
  Function(RewardedVideoAdResult, dynamic)? listener,
}) async {
  return await FacebookRewardedVideoAd.loadRewardedVideoAd(
    placementId: placementId,
    listener: listener,