FaceDetectorOptions constructor

const FaceDetectorOptions({
  1. bool enableClassification = false,
  2. bool enableLandmarks = false,
  3. bool enableContours = false,
  4. bool enableTracking = false,
  5. double minFaceSize = 0.1,
  6. FaceDetectorMode mode = FaceDetectorMode.fast,

Constructor for FaceDetectorOptions.

The parameter minFaceValue must be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.


const FaceDetectorOptions({
  this.enableClassification = false,
  this.enableLandmarks = false,
  this.enableContours = false,
  this.enableTracking = false,
  this.minFaceSize = 0.1,
  this.mode = FaceDetectorMode.fast,
})  : assert(minFaceSize >= 0.0),
      assert(minFaceSize <= 1.0);