

Easy Configuration

  • Configure TOTP generation parameters such as algorithm, interval, key length, and more.
  • Automatic secret generation if not provided, ensuring convenience and security.

TOTP Generation

  • Generate TOTP codes in both integer and string formats.
  • Retrieve a URL link for the authenticator, simplifying integration into authenticator apps.

Stream-Based Functionality

  • Continuously receive updated TOTP codes through a stream-based approach.
  • Stream TOTP codes in both integer and string formats for real-time usage.


The FAuthenticator class provides functionalities to generate and manage TOTP codes for 2FA. Here's a basic example:

import the library in your Dart code:

import 'package:f_authenticator/f_authenticator.dart';

void main() {
  // Initialize the authenticator
  FAuthenticator authenticator = FAuthenticator(
    appName: 'YourAppName',
    username: 'user@example.com',

  // Get the TOTP link for setup
  String totpLink = authenticator.getLink;

  // Generate a random secret
  String randomSecret = authenticator.getRandomSecret;

  // Get the current TOTP code as a string
  String currentCodeString = authenticator.getCurrentStringCode;

  // Get the current TOTP code as an integer
  int currentCode = authenticator.getCurrentCode;

  // Access the TOTP code as a stream
  Stream<int> codeStream = authenticator.getCodeStream();
  // Stream<String> stringCodeStream = authenticator.getStringCodeStream();

  // Subscribe to the stream for real-time code updates
  codeStream.listen((code) {
    print('Current code: $code');
    // Perform actions with the updated code


  • getLink: Generates a TOTP URL link for the authenticator.
  • getRandomSecret: Retrieves a randomly generated secret.
  • getCurrentSecret: Retrieves the current secret used for generating TOTP codes.
  • getCurrentStringCode: Generates the current TOTP code as a string.
  • getCurrentCode: Generates the current TOTP code as an integer.
  • getCodeStream: Provides a stream of updated TOTP codes.
  • getStringCodeStream: Provides a stream of updated TOTP codes as strings.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

