build method

  1. @override
  2. @nonVirtual
Widget build(
  1. BuildContext context

Should not be overridden by application code


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
	Widget widget = Obx(() {
		// this is needed in case there are no observables in the widgets
		// themselves (because in such scenario GetX.Obx crashes)

		if (!this.$isReady()) {
			// not ready yet. try to get an Initial Widget
			Widget? widget = this.hookBuildInitialWidget();
			if (widget != null) {
				// found one. return it without invoking the "regular" build.
				return widget;

			// no Initial Widget, but there may still be an _INITIAL_ZML
			// constant; if there is one - it will be handled by
			// this.$internalBuild() (and if there isn't - then $internalBuild
			// will make a Widget from the primary ZML as it does when we're
			// in _EzLifecycleState.ready.

		return this.$internalBuild(context);
	return widget;