tw_logInvocation method

void tw_logInvocation(
  1. String key, {
  2. String? extra,
  3. List? arrParams,

Log a method invocation.

  • key: an arbitrary identifier that should be unique within the class. Usually the name of the invoked method.
  • extra: an optional arbitrary text to be associated with this method invocation. Can be checked later, with tw_getExtraOfLastInvocation.
  • arrParams: an optional List of the parameters provided to the method invocation.


void tw_logInvocation(String key, { String? extra, List<dynamic>? arrParams }) {
	_InvocationData data = _InvocationData(
		key: key,
		extra: extra,
		arrParams: arrParams,
	this._mapInvocations[key] ??= [ ];