testBloc<R extends Bloc<S>, S> function

  1. @isTest
void testBloc<R extends Bloc<S>, S>(
  1. dynamic description, {
  2. FutureVoidCallback? setup,
  3. required BlocTestBloc<R> bloc,
  4. BlocCallback<R>? expectBefore,
  5. BlocCallback<R>? expectAfter,
  6. required StreamMatcher expectedStates,
  7. BlocCallback<R>? job,
  8. BlocTestTransform<R, S, dynamic>? transform,
  9. Duration timeout = const Duration(minutes: 1),
  10. bool testDistinctStatesOnly = false,

Utility function which abstracts over a dart test to ease off bloc testing

R = Type of bloc S = Type of State


void testBloc<R extends Bloc<S>, S>(
  /// description of the test
  description, {

  /// Any setup before the test e.g. mocking repositories
  FutureVoidCallback? setup,

  /// The bloc which is to be tested in this test must be created in this function
  required BlocTestBloc<R> bloc,

  /// Any assertions that must be checked before any operations are run on the bloc
  BlocCallback<R>? expectBefore,

  /// Any assertions that must be checked just before the bloc is to be dispose (end of test)
  BlocCallback<R>? expectAfter,

  /// States which are considered valid broadcasts by bloc
  required StreamMatcher expectedStates,

  /// All the operations on the bloc must be done in this function
  BlocCallback<R>? job,

  /// Any conversions which will be performed on the state before it is matched against [expectedStates]
  BlocTestTransform<R, S, dynamic>? transform,
  Duration timeout = const Duration(minutes: 1),
  bool testDistinctStatesOnly = false,
}) async {
  final frames = Chain.current().toTrace().terse.frames;
  final index = frames.indexWhere((element) {
    return element.member?.startsWith('main') ?? false;
  final trace = frames[index].toString();

  test(description, () async {
    if (setup != null) {
      await setup();

    final blocInstance = await bloc();
    Stream stream = blocInstance.stream.where((event) => event != null);

    if (transform != null) {
      stream = stream.map((event) => transform(blocInstance, event!));

    if (testDistinctStatesOnly) {
      stream = stream.distinct();

      expectLater(stream, expectedStates).onError(
        (error, _) {
          throw '$trace \n\n $error';

    if (expectBefore != null) {
      await expectBefore(blocInstance);

    job ??= (blocInstance) async {};

    await job!(blocInstance);

    // ignore: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member
    await blocInstance.close();

    if (expectAfter != null) {
      await expectAfter(blocInstance);
  }, timeout: Timeout(timeout));