unEmojiFy method

String unEmojiFy(
  1. String text

This method will unemojify the text containing the Unicode emoji symbols into emoji name.

For example: 'I ❤️ Flutter' => 'I :heart: Flutter'


String unEmojiFy(String text) {
  Iterable<Match> matches = regexEmoji.allMatches(text);
  if (matches.isNotEmpty) {
    String result = text;
    matches.toList().forEach((m) {
      var group = m.group(0) ?? "";
      if (hasEmoji(group)) {
        result = result.replaceAll(group, getEmoji(group).full);

        /// Just a quick hack to clear graphical byte from emoji.
        /// TODO: find better way to get through this tweak
        result = result.replaceAll(EmojiConst.charNonSpacingMark, EmojiConst.charEmpty);
    return result;
  return text;