convert method

  1. @override
String convert(
  1. String input

Converts the input delta to Markdown.


String convert(String input) {
  markdownBuffer = StringBuffer();
  lineBuffer = StringBuffer();
  currentInlineStyle = Style();
  currentBlockLines = <String>[];

  final inputJson = jsonDecode(input) as List<dynamic>?;
  if (inputJson is! List<dynamic>) {
    throw ArgumentError('Unexpected formatting of the input delta string.');
  final delta = Delta.fromJson(inputJson);
  final iterator = DeltaIterator(delta);

  while (iterator.hasNext) {
    final operation =;

    if ( is String) {
      final operationData = as String;

      if (!operationData.contains('\n')) {
        _handleInline(lineBuffer, operationData, operation.attributes);
      } else {
        _handleLine(operationData, operation.attributes);
    } else if ( is Map<String, dynamic>) {
      _handleEmbed( as Map<String, dynamic>);
    } else {
      throw ArgumentError('Unexpected formatting of the input delta string.');

  _handleBlock(currentBlockStyle); // Close the last block

  return markdownBuffer.toString();