applyRule method

  1. @override
Delta? applyRule(
  1. Delta document,
  2. int index, {
  3. int? len,
  4. Object? data,
  5. Attribute? attribute,

Applies heuristic rule to an operation on a document and returns resulting Delta.


Delta? applyRule(Delta document, int index, {int? len, Object? data, Attribute? attribute}) {
  if (data is! String || data != '\n') {
    return null;

  final itr = DeltaIterator(document)..skip(index);
  final cur =;
  if ( is! String || !( as String).startsWith('\n')) {
    return null;

  Map<String, dynamic>? resetStyle;
  if (cur.attributes != null && cur.attributes!.containsKey(Attribute.header.key)) {
    resetStyle = Attribute.header.toJson();
  return Delta()
    ..retain(index + (len ?? 0))
    ..insert('\n', cur.attributes)
    ..retain(1, resetStyle)