parseChildLines method
List<Line> parseChildLines(BlockParser parser) {
// Grab all of the lines that form the blockquote, stripping off the ">".
final childLines = <Line>[];
_lazyContinuation = false;
while (!parser.isDone) {
final currentLine = parser.current;
final match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current.content);
if (match != null) {
// A block quote marker consists of a `>` together with an optional
// following space of indentation, see
final markerStart = match.match.indexOf('>');
int markerEnd;
if (currentLine.content.length > 1) {
var hasSpace = false;
// Check if there is a following space if the marker is not at the end
// of this line.
if (markerStart < currentLine.content.length - 1) {
final nextChar = currentLine.content.codeUnitAt(markerStart + 1);
hasSpace = nextChar == $tab || nextChar == $space;
markerEnd = markerStart + (hasSpace ? 2 : 1);
} else {
markerEnd = markerStart + 1;
_lazyContinuation = false;
final lastLine = childLines.last;
// A paragraph continuation is OK. This is content that cannot be parsed
// as any other syntax except Paragraph, and it doesn't match the bar in
// a Setext header.
// Because indented code blocks cannot interrupt paragraphs, a line
// matched CodeBlockSyntax is also paragraph continuation text.
final otherMatched =
parser.blockSyntaxes.firstWhere((s) => s.canParse(parser));
if ((otherMatched is ParagraphSyntax &&
!lastLine.isBlankLine &&
!codeFencePattern.hasMatch(lastLine.content)) ||
(otherMatched is CodeBlockSyntax &&
!indentPattern.hasMatch(lastLine.content))) {
_lazyContinuation = true;
} else {
return childLines;