StatusInfo constructor
- Map event
StatusInfo(Map<dynamic, dynamic> event) {
final String typeValue = event["statusEventType"] ?? "";
if (typeValue == "start") {
// If the event type is "start", set the status type to start and error type to null.
type = StatusType.start;
errorType = null;
} else if (typeValue == "stop") {
// If the event type is "stop", set the status type to stop and determine the error type if available.
type = StatusType.stop;
final String errorTypeValue = event["statusFailedReason"] ?? "error";
if (errorTypeValue == "ERROR_NONE") {
// No error occurred.
errorType = StatusErrorType.none;
} else if (errorTypeValue == "ERROR_CAMERA_START") {
// An error occurred while starting the camera.
errorType = StatusErrorType.cameraStart;
} else if (errorTypeValue == "ERROR_CAMERA_INTERRUPT") {
// An error occurred due to camera interruption.
errorType = StatusErrorType.cameraInterrupt;
} else {
// If the error type is unknown, set it to unknown.
errorType = StatusErrorType.unknown;
} else {
// If the event type is not recognized, set type to unknown and errorType to unknown.
// This means we cannot determine if it is a start or stop event.
type = StatusType.unknown;
errorType = StatusErrorType.unknown;