getDirectLink static method

Future<VideoData?> getDirectLink({
  1. String link = '',
  2. int timeout = 6,

Define timeout in second.

timeout, The more timeout you will give, more accurate results you will get. Many websites take more time to load, so direct url extraction will also take time. Minimum 6 seconds of timeout is recommended and default timeout is also set to 6 seconds


static Future<VideoData?> getDirectLink({String link = '', int timeout = 6}) async {
  VideoData? res;

    initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(url: Uri.parse(utf8.decode(base64.decode('aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi5zYXZlZnJvbS5uZXQv')))),
    onLoadStop: (controller, url) async {
      await controller.evaluateJavascript(source: '''
document.querySelector('#sf_url').value = '$link'
      var data = await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () async {
        var htm = await controller.getHtml();
        var document = parse(htm);

        try {
          String? thumbnail = document.querySelector(".media-result .clip img")?.attributes['src'];

          var info = document.querySelector(".info-box");
          String? title = info?.querySelector(".title")?.text;
          String? duration = info?.querySelector(".duration")?.text;
          List<Element> linkGroup = [!.querySelectorAll(".link-group a")];

          List<Link> links = {
            String? videoFormat = element.attributes['title'];
            String? href = element.attributes['href'];
            String? text = element.text;
            return Link(videoFormat: videoFormat, href: href, text: text);

          if (links.isEmpty) {
            Element? element = info.querySelector(".link-download");
            String? videoFormat = "";
            String? href = element?.attributes['href'];
            String? text = element?.text.replaceAll("Download", "").trim();
            links.add(Link(videoFormat: videoFormat, href: href, text: text));

          VideoData vData = VideoData(
              status: true, message: 'Success', title: title, thumbnail: thumbnail, duration: duration, links: links);
          return vData;
        } catch (e) {
          return VideoData(status: false, message: 'Please try again');
      res = data;
  var result = Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: timeout), () {
    return res;
  return result;