Extensions Pro
Extensions Pro simplifies your development process, making it faster and more efficient.
This Extensions Pro Package empowers you to accelerate your development process, enabling faster and more efficient project completion.
- Date Extensions
- Time Extensions
- Clock Extensions
- Image Network Extensions
- Local Image Extensions
- Validation Extensions
- Navigation Extensions
- Widgets Extensions
- String Extensions
- Int Extensions
- SnackBar Extensions
- List Extensions
- Radio Button Extensions
Date Extensions
//Date Picker
final dateSelected = await context.pickDate(dateFormatChange: "yyyy-MM-dd"); Output: 2024-11-06
//Week Day
int day = 3;
var days=day.toWeekDay(); // Output: Wednesday
var dayHalfName=day.toWeekDay(isHalfName: true); // Output: Wed
//Date Time Difference
final date1 = DateTime(2024, 11, 19);
final date2 = DateTime(2024, 11, 15);
final difference = date1.differenceInDays(date2);
Difference in days: difference.inDays // Output: Difference in days: 4 days
Total difference in hours: difference.inHours // Output: Total difference in hours: 96 hours
// Formatting a Date
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
print(now.format('yyyy-MM-dd')); // Output: 2024-11-25
// Getting Start and End of Day
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
print(now.startOfDay); // Output: 2024-11-25 00:00:00
print(now.endOfDay); // Output: 2024-11-25 23:59:59
// Calculating Age
DateTime birthDate = DateTime(1990, 11, 25);
print(birthDate.age); // Output: 34 (on 2024-11-25)
// Checking if Date is Today, Yesterday, or Tomorrow
DateTime date = DateTime.now();
print(date.isToday); // Output: true
print(date.isYesterday); // Output: true
print(date.isTomorrow); // Output: true
// Adding or Subtracting Days, Months, or Years
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
print(now.addDays(5)); // 5 days later
print(now.subtractMonths(1)); // 1 month earlier
// Getting Day of the Week Name
DateTime date = DateTime.now();
print(date.weekdayName); // Output: Monday (for example)
Time Extensions
// Get the current time
print("Current Time: ${DateTime.now().currentTime}"); // Prints the current DateTime object
// Get the current date as a formatted string (e.g., '2024-11-25')
print("Formatted Date: ${DateTime.now().currentDateFormatted}"); // e.g., 2024-11-25
// Get the current time as a formatted string (e.g., '14:30')
print("Formatted Time: ${DateTime.now().currentTimeFormatted}"); // e.g., 14:30
// Check if the current time is morning (before 12 PM)
print("Is Morning: ${DateTime.now().isMorning}"); // true or false
// Check if the current time is afternoon (12 PM to 6 PM)
print("Is Afternoon: ${DateTime.now().isAfternoon}"); // true or false
// Check if the current time is evening (after 6 PM)
print("Is Evening: ${DateTime.now().isEvening}"); // true or false
// Time Picker
TimeOfDay? selectedTime;
final selectedTimes = await context.pickTime();
setState(() {
selectedTime = selectedTimes;
var output = selectedTime!.format(context); // 11:08 PM
Clock Extensions
// Digital Clock Time
String currentTime = DateTime.now().toDigitalTimeWithSeconds(); // Change toDigitalTime
void initState() {
// Update the clock every second
Future.delayed(Duration.zero, _updateTime);
void _updateTime() {
setState(() {
currentTime = DateTime.now().toDigitalTimeWithSeconds();
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), _updateTime);
print(currentTime); // 11:42:32
print(currentTime); // 11:42
Image Network Extensions
// 1. Network Image with Progress
url: 'https://picsum.photos/200',
width: 50,
height: 50),
// 2. Network Image with Rounded Corners
url: 'https://picsum.photos/200',
width: 50,
height: 50,
borderRadius: 16.0),
// 3. Network Image with Placeholder
url: 'https://picsum.photos/200',
width: 50,
height: 50,
placeholder: const Center(child: Text('Loading...'))),
// 4. Cached Network Image
url: 'https://picsum.photos/200',
width: 50,
height: 50),
// 5. Network Image with Shadow
url: 'https://picsum.photos/200',
width: 50,
height: 50,
elevation: 10.0,
shadowColor: Colors.black45),
Local Image Extensions
// 1. Image with Progress Indicator and Error Handling
width: 150,
height: 150,
loadingWidget: const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()), context: context),
// 2. Image with Rounded Corners
width: 150,
height: 150,
borderRadius: 16.0, context: context),
// 3. Image with Shadow
width: 150,
height: 150,
elevation: 8.0,
shadowColor: Colors.blueAccent, context: context),
// 4. Image with Fitted Box for Scaling
width: 150,
height: 150),
Validation Extensions
final url1 = "https://www.example.com";
final url3 = "htp:/invalid-url";
final url4 = "https://sub.domain.co.uk/path";
print("Is '$url1' a valid URL? ${url1.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: true
print("Is '$url3' a valid URL? ${url3.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: false
String email = 'test@example.com';
print(email.isValidEmail()); // Email Validation - Output: true
String phone = '+1234567890';
print(phone.isValidPhoneNumber()); // Phone Number Validation - Output: true
String password = 'Password123';
print(password.isStrongPassword()); // Password Strength Validation (At least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit) - Output: true
String numericValue = '123456';
print(numericValue.isNumeric()); // Numeric Validation - Output: true
String input = 'abc123';
print(input.isAlphaNumeric()); // Alpha Numeric Validation - Output: true
String creditCard = '4532015112830366';
print(creditCard.isValidCreditCardNumber()); // Credit Card Number Validation (Luhn Algorithm) - Output: true
String hexColor = '#FF5733';
print(hexColor.isValidHexColor()); // Hexadecimal Color Validation - Output: true
// Example OTPs
String otp1 = '123456'; // Valid OTP
String otp2 = '12345a'; // Invalid OTP (contains a letter)
String otp3 = '123'; // Invalid OTP (too short)
// Validating OTPs
print('Is OTP 1 valid? ${otp1.isValidOTP()}'); // Output: true
print('Is OTP 2 valid? ${otp2.isValidOTP()}'); // Output: false
print('Is OTP 3 valid? ${otp3.isValidOTP()}'); // Output: false
// Example coordinates (Lat, Long)
String latitude1 = '37.7749'; // Valid Latitude
String longitude1 = '-122.4194'; // Valid Longitude
String latitude2 = '100.0000'; // Invalid Latitude (out of range)
String longitude2 = '200.0000'; // Invalid Longitude (out of range)
// Validating Latitude and Longitude
print('Is Latitude 1 valid? ${latitude1.isValidLatitude()}'); // Output: true
print('Is Longitude 1 valid? ${longitude1.isValidLongitude()}'); // Output: true
print('Is Latitude 2 valid? ${latitude2.isValidLatitude()}'); // Output: false
print('Is Longitude 2 valid? ${longitude2.isValidLongitude()}'); // Output: false
// Password Match Validation Extension
String password = 'Password123';
String confirmPassword = 'Password123';
bool isMatch = password.isPasswordMatch(confirmPassword);
print('Do the passwords match? $isMatch'); // Output: true
confirmPassword = 'Password124';
isMatch = password.isPasswordMatch(confirmPassword);
print('Do the passwords match? $isMatch'); // Output: false
Navigation Extensions
context.push(SecondScreen()); // Push a new Screen
context.pushReplacement(SecondScreen()); // Push and Replace Current Screen
context.pop(); // Pop the Current Screen
context.pushAndRemoveUntil(HomeScreen()); // Push and Clear Navigation Stack
Widgets Extensions
widget.withPadding(EdgeInsets.all(8.0)); //withPadding: Wraps the widget in a Padding widget to apply padding around it.
widget.withMargin(EdgeInsets.all(8.0)); // withMargin: Wraps the widget in a Container and applies margin.
widget.centered(); // centered: Centers the widget inside a Center widget.
widget.withBorder(color: Colors.blue, width: 2.0); // withBorder: Adds a border around the widget by wrapping it inside a Container with a BoxDecoration.
widget.withShadow(blurRadius: 5.0, color: Colors.grey); // withShadow: Adds a shadow to the widget by wrapping it in a Material widget.
widget.withRoundedCorners(radius: 12.0); //withRoundedCorners: Applies rounded corners to the widget using ClipRRect.
widget.onTap(() { events. //// onTap: Wraps the widget inside a GestureDetector to detect tap
print('Widget tapped!');
widget.withVisibility(true); // withVisibility: Wraps the widget in a Visibility widget, conditionally hiding it based on the isVisible flag.
// Example
Text('Hello World!')
.withBorder(color: Colors.blue, width: 2.0)
.withShadow(blurRadius: 8.0, color: Colors.black)
.withRoundedCorners(radius: 12.0),
onPressed: () {
print('Button tapped');
child: Text('Tap Me'),
).onTap(() {
print('Button tapped from extension!');
String Extensions
print('flutter'.capitalize()); // Capitalize the first letter Output: Flutter
print('test@example.com'.isValidEmail()); // Check if the string is a valid email Output: true
print('invalid-email'.isValidEmail()); // Check if the string is a valid emailOutput: false
print('flutter'.reverse()); // Reverse the string Output: rettulf
print('123'.isNumeric()); // Check if the string is numeric Output: true
print('abc'.isNumeric()); // Check if the string is numeric Output: false
print('Flutter is awesome'.removeWhitespace()); // Remove all whitespace Output: Flutterisawesome
print('Flutter is amazing'.truncate(10)); // Truncate the string with ellipsis Output: Flutter is...
print('snake_case_string'.toCamelCase()); // Convert snake_case to camelCase Output: SnakeCaseString
print('flutter is fun'.countOccurrences('u')); // Count occurrences of a character Output: 2
print('madam'.isPalindrome()); // Check if the string is a palindrome Output: true
print('flutter'.isPalindrome()); // Check if the string is a palindrome Output:
print('Order1234'.extractNumbers()); // Extract numbers from a string Output: 1234
Int Extensions
print(125.toDurationString); // Convert int to duration in minutes and seconds - Output: 2m 5s
print(1990.toRoman); // Convert to Roman numeral - Output: MCMXC
print(1.toOrdinal()); // Convert an integer to its ordinal string - Output: 1st
print(22.toOrdinal()); // Convert an integer to its ordinal string - Output: 22nd
print(1024.toFileSize()); // To Bytes (KB, MB, GB) - Output: 1.00 KB
print(1048576.toFileSize()); // To Bytes (KB, MB, GB) - Output: 1.00 MB
// To convert a numeric value (e.g., rupees) to its word representation in Flutter, you can create an extension on int. Here's how you can achieve it:
int amount = 123456;
print('Amount in words: ${amount.toWords()}'); // Amount in words: one lakh twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-six
int number = 12340; // To convert numbers like 12340 to a short format like 12K, you can create a utility function in Flutter.
print(number.toShortString()); // Output: 12K
SnackBar Extensions
// SnackBar for Success and Error
context.showSuccessSnackBar("Operation successful!");
context.showErrorSnackBar("An error occurred!");
// SnackBar with Gradient
context.showGradientSnackBar(context, "message");
// SnackBar with Custom Duration
context.showPersistentSnackBar( message: 'Message', dismissColor: Colors.white);
// SnackBar with Helper Method
message: "This is a custom SnackBar!",
backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
action: SnackBarAction(
label: "UNDO",
onPressed: () {
// Handle action
// SnackBar with Icons
message: "Data saved successfully!",
icon: Icons.check_circle,
backgroundColor: Colors.green,
List Extensions
final list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9];
// firstOrDefault
print(list.firstOrDefault()); // 1
// lastOrDefault
print(list.lastOrDefault()); // 9
// addIfNotExists
print(list); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
// removeDuplicates
print(list.removeDuplicates()); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
// safeSublist
print(list.safeSublist(2, 5)); // [3, 4, 5]
// find
print(list.find((x) => x > 5)); // 6
// sortBy
final names = ['Zara', 'Anna', 'Mike'];
names.sortBy((name) => name, descending: true);
print(names); // ['Zara', 'Mike', 'Anna']
// toMap
final map = list.toMap((x) => x.toString());
print(map); // {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, ...}
// ForEachIndexed
list.forEachIndexed((index, item) {
print('Index $index: $item');
// Chunked
print(list.chunked(3)); // [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10]]
Radio Button Extensions
children: [
const Text('Option 1')
value: 'Option 1',
activeColor: Colors.green,
inactiveColor: Colors.green.shade100,
groupValue: selectedValue,
onChanged: (value) =>setState(() => selectedValue = value!),
).withPadding(const EdgeInsets.all(10)),
const Text('Option 2')
activeColor: Colors.green,
inactiveColor: Colors.green.shade100,
value: 'Option 2',
groupValue: selectedValue,
onChanged: (value) => setState(() => selectedValue = value!),
).withPadding(const EdgeInsets.all(10)),
const Text('Option 3')
activeColor: Colors.green,
inactiveColor: Colors.green.shade100,
value: 'Option 3',
groupValue: selectedValue,
onChanged: (value) => setState(() => selectedValue = value!),
).withPadding(const EdgeInsets.all(10)),
Distance Calculate
const double startLatitude = 28.7041; // Example: Delhi, India
const double startLongitude = 77.1025;
const double endLatitude = 19.0760; // Example: Mumbai, India
const double endLongitude = 72.8777;
final distance = 0.calculateDistance(
startLatitude: startLatitude,
startLongitude: startLongitude,
endLatitude: endLatitude,
endLongitude: endLongitude,
print('The distance is ${distance.toStringAsFixed(2)} km.'); // Output: The distance is 1158.91 km.
About Me
I'm a full stack developer. Cross-Platform Mobile Developer: Android, iOS, Swift , and Flutter Expert
I hope you had a great experience using this package! If you found the Extensions Pro helpful, consider supporting me by buying a coffee—your generosity would mean a lot and is deeply appreciated!
Android, iOS, Java, Kotlin, JetPack Compose, SwiftUI, Flutter, Dart, JavaScript, Node.js...