extended_text_field library
- BackgroundTextSpan
- ExtendedCupertinoSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar
- The default spell check suggestions toolbar for iOS.
- ExtendedEditableText
- EditableText
- ExtendedEditableTextState
- ExtendedRenderEditable
- RenderEditable
- ExtendedSelectableText
- SelectableText
- ExtendedSpellCheckConfiguration
- SpellCheckConfiguration
- ExtendedSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar
- The default spell check suggestions toolbar for Android.
- ExtendedTextField
- ExtendedTextFieldState
- ExtendedTextLibraryUtils
- ExtendedTextSelectionOverlay
- TextSelectionOverlay
- ExtendedWidgetSpan
- create by zmtzawqlp on 2019/7/10
- ImageSpan
- RegExpSpecialText
- RegExpSpecialTextSpanBuilder
- RenderEditablePainter
- An interface that paints within a RenderEditable's bounds, above or beneath its text content.
- SpecialText
- SpecialTextSpan
- create by zmtzawqlp on 2019/4/30
- SpecialTextSpanBuilder
- TextInputBinaryMessenger
- TextInputBinding
- void main() { TextInputBinding(); runApp(const MyApp()); }
- TextInputFocusNode
- The FocusNode to be used in TextInputBindingMixin
- TextPainterHelper
- TextSelectionGestureDetector
- A gesture detector to respond to non-exclusive event chains for a text field.
- VerticalCaretMovementRun
- The consecutive sequence of TextPositions that the caret should move to when the user navigates the paragraph using the upward arrow key or the downward arrow key.
- WidgetSpanSize
- SpecialInlineSpanBase
- create by zmtzawqlp on 2019/7/10
- TextInputBindingMixin
- class YourBinding extends WidgetsFlutterBinding with TextInputBindingMixin,YourBindingMixin { @override // ignore: unnecessary_overrides bool ignoreTextInputShow() { // you can override it base on your case // if NoKeyboardFocusNode is not enough return super.ignoreTextInputShow(); } }
- iOSHorizontalOffset → const int
- An eyeballed value that moves the cursor slightly left of where it is rendered for text on Android so its positioning more accurately matches the native iOS text cursor positioning.
→ const List<
String> - The default mime types to be used when allowedMimeTypes is not provided.
TextEditingValue value, bool composingWithinCurrentTextRange, TextStyle? style, TextStyle misspelledTextStyle, SpellCheckResults spellCheckResults) → TextSpan - Builds the TextSpan tree given the current state of the text input and spell check results.
- ExtendedEditableTextContextMenuBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ExtendedEditableTextState editableTextState)
- Signature for a widget builder that builds a context menu for the given EditableTextState.
- PaintBackground = bool Function(BackgroundTextSpan backgroundTextSpan, Canvas canvas, Offset offset, TextPainter? painter, Rect rect, {Offset? endOffset, TextPainter? wholeTextPainter})
- if you don't want use default, please return true. endOffset is the text top-right Offfset allTextPainter is the text painter of extended text. painter is current background text painter
- SpecialTextGestureTapCallback = void Function(dynamic parameter)
- create by zmtzawqlp on 2019/6/5