roundWithPrecision abstract method

Number roundWithPrecision(
  1. int precision, [
  2. RoundingMode mode = RoundingMode.nearestEven

Returns number rounded according to precision and RoundingMode.

If precision is negative, number is rounded to hundreds (-2), thousands (-3), etc. In that case, it rounds to nearest, ties away from zero.
If rounded number is integer, rounding mode nearestEven is automatically used and cannot be changed.

Rounding modes: (,

  • nearestEven (0) - rounds to the nearest value; if the number falls midway, it is rounded to the nearest value with an even least significant digit
  • nearestOdd (1) - rounds to the nearest value; if the number falls midway, it is rounded to the nearest value with an odd least significant digit
  • nearestFromZero (2) - rounds to the nearest value; if the number falls midway, it is rounded to the value which is the farthest from zero
  • nearestToZero (3) - rounds to the nearest value; if the number falls midway, it is rounded to the value which is the closest to zero
  • nearestDownward (4) - rounds to the nearest value; if the number falls midway, it rounds down
  • nearestUpward (5) - rounds to the nearest value; if the number falls midway, it rounds down
  • towardsZero (6) - directed rounding towards zero
  • fromZero (7) - directed rounding from zero
  • up (8) - directed rounding towards positive infinity
  • down (9) - directed rounding towards negative infinity


Number roundWithPrecision(int precision,
    [RoundingMode mode = RoundingMode.nearestEven]);