Flutter Exponea SDK - Beta version

Flutter Exponea SDK allows your application to interact with the Exponea Customer Data & Experience Platform. Exponea empowers B2C marketers to raise conversion rates, improve acquisition ROI, and maximize customer lifetime value.

Flutter SDK is implemented as a wrapper around native Android SDK and native iOS SDK.

Getting started

In your projects pubspec.yaml file, add dependency to Flutter Exponea SDK:

exponea: x.y.z

iOS setup

  • $ cd ios
  • $ pod install

Minimal supported iOS version for Exponea SDK is 10.3, you may need to change iOS version on the first line of your ios/Podfile to platform :ios, '10.3', or higher.

Android setup

You'll most likely need to enable multidex. Edit android/app/build.gradle and add multiDexEnabled true to android defaultConfig.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        multiDexEnabled true

Minimal supported Android API level for Exponea SDK is 21.


If facing any issues, look for Troubleshooting section in the respective document.

Release Notes

Release notes for the SDK.

