Item features topic

ExpansionTileItems overcomes the limitations of the standard ExpansionTile widget by incorporating highly customizable widgets that fully extends its functionality. Moreover, they also have awesome features.

Check out Example

Supported types of ExpansionTileItem

By default, ExpansionTileItem will look exactly standard ExpansionTile

Also, we have supported you some kinds of ExpansionTileItem that help you easier define desirable UIs.

ExpansionTileOutlined , ExpansionTileFlat, ExpansionTileLeaf, ExpansionTileCard

To use them, there are 2 ways:

  • Call directly: ExpansionTileOutlined , ExpansionTileFlat, ExpansionTileLeaf, ExpansionTileCard.
  • Call from ExpansionTileItem: ExpansionTileItem.outlined, ExpansionTileItem.flat, ExpansionTileItem.leaf, ExpansionTileItem.card.

For Example:

import 'package:expansion_tile_group/expansion_tile_group.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ExampleExpandFromAnywhere extends StatelessWidget {
 ExampleExpandFromAnywherePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
     body: ExpansionTileItem.outlined(
       title: const Text('ExpansionTile 0'),
       children: [
         const Text('body content of expansion')

More customizes of ExpansionTileItem you can check out the demo below, pay your attention into the title in each widget:

Custom expansion

Easy control behaviors of an ExpansionTileItem from anywhere

You can expand/collapse an ExpansionTileItem from anywhere in the app.

First you need create a GlobalKey<ExpansionTileCoreState>.

For example:

import 'package:expansion_tile_group/expansion_tile_group.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ExampleExpandFromAnywherePage extends StatelessWidget {
 ExampleExpandFromAnywherePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

 final GlobalKey<ExpansionTileCoreState> itemKey = GlobalKey();


Then you set this itemKey into any type of ExpansionTileItem that you want to control the behaviors:

import 'package:expansion_tile_group/expansion_tile_group.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ExampleExpandFromAnywherePage extends StatelessWidget {
 ExampleExpandFromAnywherePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

 final GlobalKey<ExpansionTileCoreState> itemKey = GlobalKey();

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
     appBar: AppBar(
       title: const Text('Expand From Anywhere Page'),
     body: ExpansionTileItem(
       title: const Text('ExpansionTile 0'),
       expansionKey: itemKey,
       children: [
         const Text('body content of expansion')

Now if you want to expand or collapse this ExpansionTileItem, just call:

To expand:


To collapse:


To Toggle:


Control behavior anywhere

Remove completely trailing

The standard ExpansionTile widget does NOT have anyway to remove completely the trailing (the arrow icon is removed but the area is NOT), so that in some case, the title is not extended the full width.

With our package, just set isHasTrailing is false, the trailing will be removed completely (that includes bound area, arrow icon).

Force behavior

You can prevent ExpansionTileItem to expand by adding isEnableExpanded is false. It is very helpful when you want to complete some tasks before expand the item.

Notice: When you wrap items with ExpansionTileGroup to use group feature, the isEnableExpanded will be not worked perfectly. The reason for that is the children in this group are always automatically created a new key for the group can manage the behaviors of them, As the result, whenever you rebuild the widget, it will not change the value of isEnableExpanded.

Remove completely default vertical title padding

Now you can remove completely default vertical title padding by setting isDefaultVerticalPadding is false

Hide Subtitle on Expanded view

Now you can hide the subtitle whenever the view is expanded by setting isHideSubtitleOnExpanded is true

Change Trailing Icon with keeping default rotate animation

Now you can change default trailing icon by calling trailingIcon, it is retrieve a Widget

ExpansionTileItem parameters

Parameter Description
key Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
title* The primary content of the list item for the resulting Text widget ,exactly from ExpansionTile
leading A widget to display before the title, exactly from ExpansionTile
subtitle Additional content displayed below the title. Typically a Text widget, exactly from ExpansionTile
onExpansionChanged Called when the tile expands or collapses, exactly from ExpansionTile
children The widgets that are displayed when the tile expands, exactly from ExpansionTile
trailing A widget to display after the title., exactly from ExpansionTile
initiallyExpanded Specifies if the list tile is initially expanded (true) or collapsed (false, the default), exactly from ExpansionTile
maintainState Specifies whether the state of the children is maintained when the tile expands and collapses, exactly from ExpansionTile
tilePadding Specifies padding for the ListTile., exactly from ExpansionTile
expandedCrossAxisAlignment Specifies the alignment of each child within children when the tile is expanded, exactly from ExpansionTile
expandedAlignment Specifies the alignment of children, which are arranged in a column when the tile is expanded, exactly from ExpansionTile
childrenPadding Specifies padding for children, exactly from ExpansionTile
backgroundColor The color to display behind the sublist when expanded., exactly from ExpansionTile
collapsedBackgroundColor The color to display behind the sublist when Collapse., exactly from ExpansionTile
textColor The color of the tile's titles when the sublist is expanded., exactly from ExpansionTile
collapsedTextColor The color of the tile's titles when the sublist is collapse., exactly from ExpansionTile
iconColor The icon color of tile's expansion arrow icon when the sublist is expanded., exactly from ExpansionTile
collapsedIconColor The icon color of tile's expansion arrow icon when the sublist is collapsed., exactly from ExpansionTile
controlAffinity Typically used to force the expansion arrow icon to the tile's leading or trailing edge., exactly from ExpansionTile
clipBehavior The clip behavior when decoration is not null. Default is Clip.hardEdge
decoration The decoration to paint behind the child.
borderRadius If non-null, the corners of this box are rounded by this BorderRadius.Applies only to boxes with rectangular shapes; ignored if shape is not BoxShape.rectangle
border A border to draw above the background color, gradient, or image.Follows the shape and borderRadius.
boxShadow A list of shadows cast by this box behind the box. The shadow follows the shape of the box
collapsedBorderColor The color to display the border box when collapsed.
expendedBorderColor The color to display the border box when expanded.
isHasTopBorder Show top border side or NOT
isHasBottomBorder Show bottom border side or NOT
isHasLeftBorder Show left border side or NOT
isHasRightBorder Show right border side or NOT
isHasTrailing Show trailing widget and it's area or NOT
isEnableExpanded Force item expand or NOT
isDefaultVerticalPadding Remove completely default vertical title padding
isHideSubtitleOnExpanded Hide Subtitle when view is expanded
trailingIcon Change default trailing icon with keeping rotate animation

Additional ExpansionTileLeaf parameters

Parameter Description
leafRadius The border radius of leaf. Default is 20
isReverseLeaf Reverse current leaf shape. Default shape is Bottom-Left and Top-Right
isOutlined Decide the leaf is outlined shape. Default is true

Additional ExpansionTileCard parameters

Parameter Description
elevation The z-coordinate at which to place this card. This controls the size of the shadow below the card.


expansion_tile_group Get started Upgrading Item features Group features Troubleshooting
This package overcomes the limitations of the standard ExpansionTile widget by incorporating highly customizable widgets that fully extends its functionality. These widgets can be seamlessly grouped and their interactions easily managed, offering you unparalleled control and flexibility.