insertItems method

void insertItems(
  1. List<T> items,
  2. List<int> indices

Inserts the given items into the given indices.

items and indices should have the same number of items

All values in indices should be valid, which is to say that a given index shouldn't exceed the the number of items when all but 1 have been inserted. This method assumes that both lists are ordered in the way that you want the items to be inserted


void insertItems(List<T> items, List<int> indices) {
  assert(items.length == indices.length);

  // validates the indices
  int maxNumItems = _items.length + indices.length;
  for (int index in indices) {
    if (index > maxNumItems) {
      throw Exception(
        "Index $index is invalid and can't be inserted into the list",

  // If this is our initial insertion, and we're expanding on that, then we'll
  // put ourselves into the expanded state
  if (_expandOnInitialInsertion && _items.isEmpty) {
    value = ExpandableSliverListStatus.expanded;


  Duration period = Duration(milliseconds: (250 / items.length).round());

  _timer = Timer.periodic(
    (timer) {
      if (items.isNotEmpty && indices.isNotEmpty) {
        T item = items.removeAt(0);
        int index = indices.removeAt(0);

        // Otherwise, we'll insert it into our collection, and if we're not
        // collapsed, also animate it in
        _items.insert(index, item);

        if (!isCollapsed()) {
          listKey.currentState?.insertItem(index, duration: period);

      // Once we run out of items to add, we'll stop the timer and recalculate
      // our item period
      else {