Expandable Card Widget Library

expandable card


The ExpandableCard widget provides a customizable card with expandable sections, facilitating the display of detailed information in collapsible sections.

Add Dependency

To use expandable_cardview, add this dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  expandable_cardview: ^1.0.9

Import Library

import 'package:expandable_cardview/expandable_cardview.dart';


  title: 'Fried Rice',
  description: 'Confirmed Order',
  button2Value: 'Buy Now',
  sectionRowCount: 3,
  sectionRowTitles: const ['Review', 'Order', 'Shipping'],
  totalText: 3,
  backgroundColor: Colors.white,
  elevation: 4.0,
  button2Elevation: 5.0,
  button2Color: Colors.blue,
  button1TextColor: Colors.black,
  button2BorderRadius: 5.0,
  cardBorderRadius: 10,
  sectionRowData: const {
  'Review': ['Good portion size','Taste good','Overall good'],
  'Order': ['Fried Rice', '1', 'RM 10.00'],
  'Shipping': ['Street 1', 'City 1', '12345'],
  onPressedButton2: () {
      //do something


Check out the demo video through this link

🚧 Maintainer

GitHub Ko-fi

Muhammad Yaasiin Hidayatulloh
📫 How to reach me: myaasiinh@gmail.com