readExifFromBytes function

Future<Map<String, IfdTag>> readExifFromBytes(
  1. List<int> bytes, {
  2. String? stopTag,
  3. bool details = true,
  4. bool strict = false,
  5. bool debug = false,
  6. bool truncateTags = true,

Process an image file data. This is the function that has to deal with all the arbitrary nasty bits of the EXIF standard.


Future<Map<String, IfdTag>> readExifFromBytes(List<int> bytes,
    {String? stopTag,
    bool details = true,
    bool strict = false,
    bool debug = false,
    bool truncateTags = true}) async {
  return readExifFromFileReader(FileReader.fromBytes(bytes),
          stopTag: stopTag,
          details: details,
          strict: strict,
          debug: debug,
          truncateTags: truncateTags)