Sheet class


getColAutoFits List<bool>
returns list of auto fit columns
no setter
getColWidths List<double>
returns list of custom width columns
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headerFooter HeaderFooter?
getter/setter pair
isRTL bool
returns true is this sheet is right-to-left other-wise false
getter/setter pair
maxCols int
returns count of cols having data in sheet
no setter
maxRows int
returns count of rows having data in sheet
no setter
rows List<List<Data?>>
returns 2-D dynamic List of the sheet elements
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sheetName String
return SheetName
no setter
spannedItems List<String>
returns List of Spanned Cells as
no setter


appendRow(List row) → dynamic
Appends row iterables just post the last filled rowIndex.
cell(CellIndex cellIndex) Data
returns the DataObject at position of cellIndex
clearRow(int rowIndex) bool
returns true if the contents are successfully cleared else false.
findAndReplace(dynamic source, dynamic target, {int first = -1, int startingRow = -1, int endingRow = -1, int startingColumn = -1, int endingColumn = -1}) int
Returns the count of replaced source with target
getColAutoFit(int colIndex) bool
Get Column AutoFit
getColWidth(int colIndex) double
Get Column Width
insertColumn(int colIndex) → void
Inserts an empty column in sheet at position = columnIndex.
insertRow(int rowIndex) → void
Inserts an empty row in sheet at position = rowIndex.
insertRowIterables(List row, int rowIndex, {int startingColumn = 0, bool overwriteMergedCells = true}) → dynamic
Adds the row iterables in the given rowIndex = rowIndex in sheet
merge(CellIndex start, CellIndex end, {dynamic customValue}) → dynamic
Merges the cells starting from start to end.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeColumn(int colIndex) → void
If sheet exists and columnIndex < maxColumns then it removes column at index = columnIndex
removeRow(int rowIndex) → void
If sheet exists and rowIndex < maxRows then it removes row at index = rowIndex
row(int rowIndex) List<Data?>
returns row at index = rowIndex
selectRange(CellIndex start, {CellIndex? end}) List<List<Data?>?>
returns 2-D dynamic List of the sheet cell data in that range.
selectRangeValues(CellIndex start, {CellIndex? end}) List<List?>
returns 2-D dynamic List of the sheet elements in that range.
selectRangeValuesWithString(String range) List<List?>
returns 2-D dynamic List of the sheet elements in that range.
selectRangeWithString(String range) List<List<Data?>?>
returns 2-D dynamic List of the sheet cell data in that range.
setColAutoFit(int colIndex) → void
Set Column AutoFit
setColWidth(int colIndex, double colWidth) → void
Set Column Width
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unMerge(String unmergeCells) → dynamic
unMerge the merged cells.
updateCell(CellIndex cellIndex, dynamic value, {CellStyle? cellStyle}) → void
Updates the contents of sheet of the cellIndex: CellIndex.indexByColumnRow(0, 0); where indexing starts from 0


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.