insertRowIterables method

void insertRowIterables(
  1. String sheet,
  2. List row,
  3. int rowIndex, {
  4. int startingColumn = 0,
  5. bool overwriteMergedCells = true,

If sheet does not exist then it will be automatically created.

Adds the row iterables in the given rowIndex = rowIndex in sheet

startingColumn tells from where we should start putting the row iterables

overwriteMergedCells when set to true will over-write mergedCell and does not jumps to next unqiue cell.

overwriteMergedCells when set to false puts the cell value to next unique cell available by putting the value in merged cells only once and jumps to next unique cell.


void insertRowIterables(String sheet, List<dynamic> row, int rowIndex,
    {int startingColumn = 0, bool overwriteMergedCells = true}) {
  if (rowIndex < 0) {
  _sheetMap['$sheet']!.insertRowIterables(row, rowIndex,
      startingColumn: startingColumn,
      overwriteMergedCells: overwriteMergedCells);