ConvertToValue static method

List ConvertToValue(
  1. MapiPropertyType? mapiPropType,
  2. Iterable<String?> strings
Converts the String list to array. Type of the MAPI property. Strings.


static List ConvertToValue(
    MapiPropertyType? mapiPropType, Iterable<String?> strings) {
  // todo("implement ConvertToValue")
  print("implement ConvertToValue");
  return [];
//            EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(strings, "strings");
//            misc.MapiTypeConverterMapEntry typeConverter = misc.MapiTypeConverterMap[mapiPropType];
//            Array array = Array.CreateInstance(typeConverter.Type, strings.Count<string>());
//            int index = 0;
//            for (String stringValue in strings)
//            {
//                object value = typeConverter.ConvertToValueOrDefault(stringValue);
//                array.SetValue(value, index++);
//            }
//            return array;