Grouping.withSettings constructor

  1. PropertyDefinitionBase groupOn,
  2. SortDirection sortDirection,
  3. PropertyDefinitionBase aggregateOn,
  4. AggregateType aggregateType,
Initializes a new instance of the The property to group on. The sort direction. The property to aggregate on. The type of aggregate to calculate.


    PropertyDefinitionBase groupOn,
    enumerations.SortDirection sortDirection,
    PropertyDefinitionBase aggregateOn,
    enumerations.AggregateType aggregateType)
    : super() {
  EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(groupOn, "groupOn");
  EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(aggregateOn, "aggregateOn");

  this.groupOn = groupOn;
  this.sortDirection = sortDirection;
  this.aggregateOn = aggregateOn;
  this.aggregateType = aggregateType;