ContainsSubString.withPropertyAndValueAndModes constructor

  1. PropertyDefinitionBase propertyDefinition,
  2. String value,
  3. ContainmentMode containmentMode,
  4. ComparisonMode comparisonMode,
Initializes a new instance of the The definition of the property that is being compared. Property definitions are available as static members from schema classes (for example, EmailMessageSchema.Subject, AppointmentSchema.Start, ContactSchema.GivenName, etc.) The value to compare with. The containment mode. The comparison mode.


    PropertyDefinitionBase propertyDefinition,
    String value,
    enumerations.ContainmentMode containmentMode,
    enumerations.ComparisonMode comparisonMode)
    : super.withProperty(propertyDefinition) {
  this.value = value;
  this.containmentMode = containmentMode;
  this.comparisonMode = comparisonMode;