Enumerations/Enumerations library
- PeopleQueryContextKeys
- Lists different keys that can be passed to the people query context dictionary
- PeopleQuerySource
- Lists the names of various sources of people
- AffectedTaskOccurrence
- Indicates which occurrence of a recurring task should be deleted.
- AggregateType
- Defines the type of aggregation to perform.
- AppointmentType
- Defines the type of an appointment.
- AutodiscoverEndpoints
- Defines the types of Autodiscover endpoints that are available.
- AutodiscoverErrorCode
- Defines the error codes that can be returned by the Autodiscover service.
- AutodiscoverResponseType
- Defines the types of response the Autodiscover service can return.
- AvailabilityData
- Defines the type of data that can be requested via GetUserAvailability.
- BasePropertySet
- Defines base property sets that are used as the base for custom property sets.
- BodyType
- Defines the type of body of an item.
- ChangeType
- Defines the type of change of a synchronization event.
- ClientAccessTokenType
- Defines the type of ClientAccessTokenType
- ClientExtensionProvidedTo
- Defines the type of ClientExtensionProvidedTo.
- ComparisonMode
- Defines the way values are compared in search filters.
- ConflictResolutionMode
- Defines how conflict resolutions are handled in update operations.
- ConflictType
- Defines the conflict types that can be returned in meeting time suggestions.
- ConnectingIdType
- Defines the type of Id of a ConnectingId object.
- ConnectionFailureCause
- The ConnectionFailureCause enumeration
- ConsentState
- The consent states enumeration
- ContactSource
- Defines the source of a contact or group.
- ContainmentMode
- Defines the containment mode for Contains search filters.
- ConversationActionType
- Defines actions applicable to Conversation.
- ConversationFlagStatus
- Defines the flag status of a Conversation.
- ConversationQueryTraversal
- Defines the folder traversal depth in queries.
- ConversationSortOrder
- Defines the order in which conversation nodes should be returned by GetConversationItems.
- DateTimePrecision
- Defines the precision for returned DateTime values
- DayOfTheWeek
- Specifies the day of the week.
- DayOfTheWeekIndex
- Defines the index of a week day within a month.
- DefaultExtendedPropertySet
- Defines the default sets of extended properties.
- DelegateFolderPermissionLevel
- Defines a delegate user's permission level on a specific folder.
- DeleteMode
- Represents deletion modes.
- DomainSettingName
- Domain setting names.
- EffectiveRights
- Defines the effective user rights associated with an item or folder.
- ElcFolderType
- Defines the folder type of a retention policy tag.
- EmailAddressKey
- Defines e-mail address entries for a contact.
- EmailPosition
- Defines the email position of an extracted entity.
- EventType
- Defines the types of event that can occur in a folder.
- ExchangeVersion
- Defines the each available Exchange release version
- ExtensionInstallScope
- Defines the type of ExtensionInstallScope.
- ExtensionType
- Defines the type of ExtensionType.
- FileAsMapping
- Defines the way the FileAs property of a contact is automatically formatted.
- FlaggedForAction
- Defines the follow-up actions that may be stamped on a message.
- FolderPermissionLevel
- Defines permission levels for calendar folders.
- FolderPermissionReadAccess
- Defines a user's read access permission on items in a non-calendar folder.
- FolderTraversal
- Defines the scope of FindFolders operations.
- FreeBusyViewType
- Defines the type of free/busy information returned by a GetUserAvailability operation.
- GetUserPhotoStatus
- Defines the response types from a GetUserPhoto request
- HoldAction
- Defines the hold action.
- HoldStatus
- Defines the hold status.
- IconIndex
- The values indicate the types of item icons to display.
- IdFormat
- Defines supported Id formats in ConvertId operations.
- ImAddressKey
- Defines Instant Messaging address entries for a contact.
- Importance
- Defines the importance of an item.
- ItemFlagStatus
- Defines the flag status of an Item.
- ItemTraversal
- Defines the scope of FindItems operations.
- LegacyFreeBusyStatus
- Defines the legacy free/busy status associated with an appointment.
- LobbyBypass
- Online Meeting Lobby Bypass options.
- LocationSource
- Source of resolution.
- LogicalOperator
- Defines a logical operator as used by search filter collections.
- MailboxSearchLocation
- Defines the location for mailbox search.
- MailboxSearchScopeType
- Enum MailboxSearchScopeType
- MailboxType
- Defines the type of an EmailAddress object.
- MapiPropertyType
- Defines the MAPI type of an extended property.
- MeetingAttendeeType
- Defines the type of a meeting attendee.
- MeetingRequestsDeliveryScope
- Defines how meeting requests are sent to delegates.
- MeetingRequestType
- Defines the type of a meeting request.
- MeetingResponseType
- Defines the types of response given to a meeting request.
- MemberStatus
- Defines the status of group members.
- MessageDisposition
- Defines how messages are disposed of in CreateItem and UpdateItem operations.
- Month
- Defines months of the year.
- OffsetBasePoint
- Defines the offset's base point in a paged view.
- OnlineMeetingAccessLevel
- Online Meeting Access Level options.
- OofExternalAudience
- Defines the external audience of an Out of Office notification.
- OofState
- Defines a user's Out of Office Assistant status.
- OutlookProtocolType
- Defines supported Outlook protocls.
- PermissionScope
- Defines the scope of a user's permission on a folders.
- PhoneCallState
- The PhoneCallState enumeration
- PhoneNumberKey
- Defines phone number entries for a contact.
- PhysicalAddressIndex
- Defines a physical address index.
- PhysicalAddressKey
- Defines physical address entries for a contact.
- Presenters
- Online Meeting Presenters options.
- PreviewItemBaseShape
- Preview item base shape
- PrivilegedLogonType
- Defines the type of PrivilegedLogonType.
- PropertyDefinitionFlags
- Defines how a complex property behaves.
- ResolveNameSearchLocation
- Defines the location where a ResolveName operation searches for contacts.
- ResponseActions
- Defines the response actions that can be taken on an item.
- ResponseMessageType
- Defines the type of a ResponseMessage object.
- RetentionActionType
- Defines the action of a retention policy tag.
- RetentionType
- Defines the retention type.
- RuleErrorCode
- Defines the error codes identifying why a rule failed validation.
- RuleProperty
- Defines the available properties of a rule.
- SearchFolderTraversal
- Defines the scope of a search folder.
- SearchPageDirection
- Defines the page direction for mailbox search.
- SearchResultType
- Defines the type of search result.
- SendCancellationsMode
- Defines how meeting cancellations should be sent to attendees when an appointment is deleted.
- SendInvitationsMode
- Defines if/how meeting invitations are sent.
- SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode
- Defines if/how meeting invitations or cancellations should be sent to attendees when an appointment is updated.
- SendPrompt
- The values indicate the types of item icons to display.
- Sensitivity
- Defines the sensitivity of an item.
- ServiceError
- Defines the error codes that can be returned by the Exchange Web Services.
- ServiceErrorHandling
- Defines the type of error handling used for service method calls.
- ServiceObjectType
- Defines the type of a service object.
- ServiceResult
- Defines the result of a call to an EWS method. Values in this enumeration have to be ordered from lowest to highest severity.
- SetClientExtensionActionId
- Defines the type of SetClientExtensionActionId.
- SortDirection
- Defines a sort direction
- StandardUser
- Defines a standard delegate user.
- SuggestionQuality
- Defines the quality of an availability suggestion.
- SyncFolderItemsScope
- Determines items to be included in a SyncFolderItems response.
- TaskDelegationState
- Defines the delegation state of a task.
- TaskMode
- Defines the modes of a Task.
- TaskStatus
- Defines the execution status of a task.
- TraceFlags
- Defines flags to control tracing details.
- ViewFilter
- Defines the view filter for queries.
- WellKnownFolderName
- Defines well known folder names.
- XmlNamespace
- Defines the namespaces as used by the EwsXmlReader, EwsServiceXmlReader, and EwsServiceXmlWriter classes.