Instance property
Defines the PolicyTag property.
Defines the ArchiveTag property.
// static PropertyDefinition PolicyTag =
// new ComplexPropertyDefinition<PolicyTag>(
// XmlElementNames.PolicyTag,
// FolderSchemaFieldUris.PolicyTag,
// PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanSet | PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanUpdate | PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanDelete | PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanFind,
// ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013,
// () { return new PolicyTag(); });
/// <summary>
/// Defines the ArchiveTag property.
/// </summary>
// static PropertyDefinition ArchiveTag =
// new ComplexPropertyDefinition<ArchiveTag>(
// XmlElementNames.ArchiveTag,
// FolderSchemaFieldUris.ArchiveTag,
// PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanSet | PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanUpdate | PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanDelete | PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanFind,
// ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013,
// () { return new ArchiveTag(); });
// This must be declared after the property definitions
static FolderSchema Instance = new FolderSchema();