ResolveNameWithSearchScopeAndDetails method

Future<NameResolutionCollection> ResolveNameWithSearchScopeAndDetails(
  1. String nameToResolve,
  2. ResolveNameSearchLocation searchScope,
  3. bool returnContactDetails
Finds contacts in the Global Address List that have names that match the one passed as a parameter. Calling this method results in a call to EWS. The name to resolve. The scope of the search. Indicates whether full contact information should be returned for each of the found contacts.


Future<NameResolutionCollection> ResolveNameWithSearchScopeAndDetails(
    String nameToResolve,
    ResolveNameSearchLocation searchScope,
    bool returnContactDetails) {
  return this.ResolveNameWithFolderIdsAndSearchScopeAndDetails(
      nameToResolve, null, searchScope, returnContactDetails);