LoadPropertiesForItems method

Future<ServiceResponseCollection<ServiceResponse>> LoadPropertiesForItems(
  1. Iterable<Item> items,
  2. PropertySet propertySet
Obtains a list of appointments by searching the contents of a specific folder. Calling this method results in a call to EWS. The id of the calendar folder in which to search for items. The calendar view controlling the number of appointments returned. Obtains a list of appointments by searching the contents of a specific folder. Calling this method results in a call to EWS. The name of the calendar folder in which to search for items. The calendar view controlling the number of appointments returned. Loads the properties of multiple items in a single call to EWS. The items to load the properties of. The set of properties to load.


//FindItemsResults<Appointment> FindAppointments(FolderId parentFolderId, CalendarView calendarView)
//        {
//            ServiceResponseCollection<FindItemResponse<Appointment>> response = this.FindItems<Appointment>(
//                new FolderId[] { parentFolderId },
//                null, /* searchFilter */
//                null, /* queryString */
//                calendarView,
//                null, /* groupBy */
//                ServiceErrorHandling.ThrowOnError);
//            return response[0].Results;
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Obtains a list of appointments by searching the contents of a specific folder. Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentFolderName">The name of the calendar folder in which to search for items.</param>
/// <param name="calendarView">The calendar view controlling the number of appointments returned.</param>
/// <returns>A collection of appointments representing the contents of the specified folder.</returns>
//FindItemsResults<Appointment> FindAppointments(WellKnownFolderName parentFolderName, CalendarView calendarView)
//        {
//            return this.FindAppointments(new FolderId(parentFolderName), calendarView);
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Loads the properties of multiple items in a single call to EWS.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items">The items to load the properties of.</param>
/// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
/// <returns>A ServiceResponseCollection providing results for each of the specified items.</returns>
Future<ServiceResponseCollection<ServiceResponse>> LoadPropertiesForItems(
    Iterable<Item> items, PropertySet propertySet) {
  EwsUtilities.ValidateParamCollection(items, "items");
  EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(propertySet, "propertySet");

  return this.InternalLoadPropertiesForItems(
      items, propertySet, ServiceErrorHandling.ReturnErrors);