InternalBindToFolders method

Future<ServiceResponseCollection<GetFolderResponse>> InternalBindToFolders(
  1. Iterable<FolderId?> folderIds,
  2. PropertySet propertySet,
  3. ServiceErrorHandling errorHandling
Binds to multiple folders in a single call to EWS. The Ids of the folders to bind to. The set of properties to load. Binds to multiple folders in a single call to EWS. The Ids of the folders to bind to. The set of properties to load. Type of error handling to perform.


//ServiceResponseCollection<GetFolderResponse> BindToFolders(
//            Iterable<FolderId> folderIds,
//            PropertySet propertySet)
//        {
//            EwsUtilities.ValidateParamCollection(folderIds, "folderIds");
//            EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(propertySet, "propertySet");
//            return this.InternalBindToFolders(
//                folderIds,
//                propertySet,
//                ServiceErrorHandling.ReturnErrors
//            );
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Binds to multiple folders in a single call to EWS.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="folderIds">The Ids of the folders to bind to.</param>
/// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
/// <param name="errorHandling">Type of error handling to perform.</param>
/// <returns>A ServiceResponseCollection providing results for each of the specified folder Ids.</returns>
Future<ServiceResponseCollection<GetFolderResponse>> InternalBindToFolders(
    Iterable<FolderId?> folderIds,
    PropertySet propertySet,
    ServiceErrorHandling errorHandling) async {
  GetFolderRequest request = new GetFolderRequest(this, errorHandling);

  request.PropertySet = propertySet;

  return await request.Execute();