GetEwsUrlFromResponse method
Gets the EWS URL from Autodiscover GetUserSettings response.
The response.
If true, Autodiscover call was made externally.
Uri GetEwsUrlFromResponse(GetUserSettingsResponse response, bool isExternal) {
OutParam<String> uriStringOutParam = OutParam();
// Figure out which URL to use: Internal or External.
// AutoDiscover may not return an external protocol. First try external, then internal.
// Either protocol may be returned without a configured URL.
if ((isExternal &&
UserSettingName.ExternalEwsUrl, uriStringOutParam)) &&
!StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(uriStringOutParam.param)) {
return Uri.parse(uriStringOutParam.param!);
} else if ((response.TryGetSettingValue<String>(
UserSettingName.InternalEwsUrl, uriStringOutParam) ||
UserSettingName.ExternalEwsUrl, uriStringOutParam)) &&
!StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(uriStringOutParam.param)) {
return Uri.parse(uriStringOutParam.param!);
// If Autodiscover doesn't return an or external EWS URL, throw an exception.
throw new AutodiscoverLocalException(