FindFoldersWithWellKnownFolder method

Future<FindFoldersResults> FindFoldersWithWellKnownFolder(
  1. WellKnownFolderName parentFolderName,
  2. SearchFilter? searchFilter,
  3. FolderView view
Obtains a list of folders by searching the sub-folders of each of the specified folders. The Ids of the folders in which to search for folders. The search filter. Available search filter classes include SearchFilter.IsEqualTo, SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring and SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection The view controlling the number of folders returned. Obtains a list of folders by searching the sub-folders of the specified folder. The Id of the folder in which to search for folders. The view controlling the number of folders returned. Obtains a list of folders by searching the sub-folders of the specified folder. The name of the folder in which to search for folders. The search filter. Available search filter classes include SearchFilter.IsEqualTo, SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring and SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection The view controlling the number of folders returned.


//ServiceResponseCollection<FindFolderResponse> FindFolders(Iterable<FolderId> parentFolderIds, SearchFilter searchFilter, FolderView view)
//        {
//            EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(parentFolderIds, "parentFolderIds");
//            EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(view, "view");
//            EwsUtilities.ValidateParamAllowNull(searchFilter, "searchFilter");
//            return this.InternalFindFolders(
//                parentFolderIds,
//                searchFilter,
//                view,
//                ServiceErrorHandling.ReturnErrors);
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Obtains a list of folders by searching the sub-folders of the specified folder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentFolderId">The Id of the folder in which to search for folders.</param>
/// <param name="view">The view controlling the number of folders returned.</param>
/// <returns>An object representing the results of the search operation.</returns>
//FindFoldersResults FindFolders(FolderId parentFolderId, FolderView view)
//        {
//            EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(parentFolderId, "parentFolderId");
//            EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(view, "view");
//            ServiceResponseCollection<FindFolderResponse> responses = this.InternalFindFolders(
//                new FolderId[] { parentFolderId },
//                null, /* searchFilter */
//                view,
//                ServiceErrorHandling.ThrowOnError);
//            return responses[0].Results;
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Obtains a list of folders by searching the sub-folders of the specified folder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentFolderName">The name of the folder in which to search for folders.</param>
/// <param name="searchFilter">The search filter. Available search filter classes
/// include SearchFilter.IsEqualTo, SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring and
/// SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection</param>
/// <param name="view">The view controlling the number of folders returned.</param>
/// <returns>An object representing the results of the search operation.</returns>
Future<FindFoldersResults> FindFoldersWithWellKnownFolder(
    WellKnownFolderName parentFolderName,
    SearchFilter? searchFilter,
    FolderView view) {
  return this.FindFoldersWithFolderId(
      new FolderId.fromWellKnownFolder(parentFolderName), searchFilter, view);