FileAttachmentContentHandler property

IFileAttachmentContentHandler? FileAttachmentContentHandler
Gets or sets the Id of the user that EWS should impersonate. Gets or sets the Id of the user that EWS should open his/her mailbox with privileged logon type. Gets or sets the preferred culture for messages returned by the Exchange Web Services. Gets or sets the DateTime precision for DateTime values returned from Exchange Web Services. Gets or sets a file attachment content handler.


//ImpersonatedUserId ImpersonatedUserId
//        {
//            get { return this.impersonatedUserId; }
//            set { this.impersonatedUserId = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the Id of the user that EWS should open his/her mailbox with privileged logon type.
/// </summary>
//      PrivilegedUserId PrivilegedUserId
//        {
//            get { return this.privilegedUserId; }
//            set { this.privilegedUserId = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// </summary>
//ManagementRoles ManagementRoles
//        {
//            get { return this.managementRoles; }
//            set { this.managementRoles = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the preferred culture for messages returned by the Exchange Web Services.
/// </summary>
//CultureInfo PreferredCulture
//        {
//            get { return this.preferredCulture; }
//            set { this.preferredCulture = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the DateTime precision for DateTime values returned from Exchange Web Services.
/// </summary>
//DateTimePrecision DateTimePrecision
//        {
//            get { return this.dateTimePrecision; }
//            set { this.dateTimePrecision = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a file attachment content handler.
/// </summary>
IFileAttachmentContentHandler? get FileAttachmentContentHandler =>
void FileAttachmentContentHandler=(IFileAttachmentContentHandler? value)


set FileAttachmentContentHandler(IFileAttachmentContentHandler? value) =>
    this._fileAttachmentContentHandler = value;