BuildSyncFolderItemsRequest method

SyncFolderItemsRequest BuildSyncFolderItemsRequest(
  1. FolderId? syncFolderId,
  2. PropertySet propertySet,
  3. Iterable<ItemId>? ignoredItemIds,
  4. int maxChangesReturned,
  5. int numberOfDays,
  6. SyncFolderItemsScope syncScope,
  7. String? syncState,
Begins an asynchronous request to synchronize the items of a specific folder. Calling this method results in a call to EWS. The AsyncCallback delegate. An object that contains state information for this request. The Id of the folder containing the items to synchronize with. The set of properties to retrieve for synchronized items. The optional list of item Ids that should be ignored. The maximum number of changes that should be returned. The sync scope identifying items to include in the ChangeCollection. The optional sync state representing the point in time when to start the synchronization. Begins an asynchronous request to synchronize the items of a specific folder. Calling this method results in a call to EWS. The AsyncCallback delegate. An object that contains state information for this request. The Id of the folder containing the items to synchronize with. The set of properties to retrieve for synchronized items. The optional list of item Ids that should be ignored. The maximum number of changes that should be returned. Limit the changes returned to this many days ago; 0 means no limit. The sync scope identifying items to include in the ChangeCollection. The optional sync state representing the point in time when to start the synchronization. Ends an asynchronous request to synchronize the items of a specific folder. An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous request. Builds a request to synchronize the items of a specific folder. The Id of the folder containing the items to synchronize with. The set of properties to retrieve for synchronized items. The optional list of item Ids that should be ignored. The maximum number of changes that should be returned. Limit the changes returned to this many days ago; 0 means no limit. The sync scope identifying items to include in the ChangeCollection. The optional sync state representing the point in time when to start the synchronization.


//IAsyncResult BeginSyncFolderItems(
//            AsyncCallback callback,
//            object state,
//            FolderId syncFolderId,
//            PropertySet propertySet,
//            Iterable<ItemId> ignoredItemIds,
//            int maxChangesReturned,
//            SyncFolderItemsScope syncScope,
//            string syncState)
//        {
//            return this.BeginSyncFolderItems(
//                callback,
//                state,
//                syncFolderId,
//                propertySet,
//                ignoredItemIds,
//                maxChangesReturned,
//                0, // numberOfDays
//                syncScope,
//                syncState);
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Begins an asynchronous request to synchronize the items of a specific folder. Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">The AsyncCallback delegate.</param>
/// <param name="state">An object that contains state information for this request.</param>
/// <param name="syncFolderId">The Id of the folder containing the items to synchronize with.</param>
/// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to retrieve for synchronized items.</param>
/// <param name="ignoredItemIds">The optional list of item Ids that should be ignored.</param>
/// <param name="maxChangesReturned">The maximum number of changes that should be returned.</param>
/// <param name="numberOfDays">Limit the changes returned to this many days ago; 0 means no limit.</param>
/// <param name="syncScope">The sync scope identifying items to include in the ChangeCollection.</param>
/// <param name="syncState">The optional sync state representing the point in time when to start the synchronization.</param>
/// <returns>An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous request.</returns>
//IAsyncResult BeginSyncFolderItems(
//            AsyncCallback callback,
//            object state,
//            FolderId syncFolderId,
//            PropertySet propertySet,
//            Iterable<ItemId> ignoredItemIds,
//            int maxChangesReturned,
//            int numberOfDays,
//            SyncFolderItemsScope syncScope,
//            string syncState)
//        {
//            return this.BuildSyncFolderItemsRequest(
//                syncFolderId,
//                propertySet,
//                ignoredItemIds,
//                maxChangesReturned,
//                numberOfDays,
//                syncScope,
//                syncState).BeginExecute(callback, state);
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Ends an asynchronous request to synchronize the items of a specific folder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asyncResult">An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous request.</param>
/// <returns>A ChangeCollection containing a list of changes that occurred in the specified folder.</returns>
//ChangeCollection<ItemChange> EndSyncFolderItems(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
//        {
//            var request = AsyncRequestResult.ExtractServiceRequest<SyncFolderItemsRequest>(this, asyncResult);
//            return request.EndExecute(asyncResult)[0].Changes;
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Builds a request to synchronize the items of a specific folder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="syncFolderId">The Id of the folder containing the items to synchronize with.</param>
/// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to retrieve for synchronized items.</param>
/// <param name="ignoredItemIds">The optional list of item Ids that should be ignored.</param>
/// <param name="maxChangesReturned">The maximum number of changes that should be returned.</param>
/// <param name="numberOfDays">Limit the changes returned to this many days ago; 0 means no limit.</param>
/// <param name="syncScope">The sync scope identifying items to include in the ChangeCollection.</param>
/// <param name="syncState">The optional sync state representing the point in time when to start the synchronization.</param>
/// <returns>A request to synchronize the items of a specific folder.</returns>
SyncFolderItemsRequest BuildSyncFolderItemsRequest(
    FolderId? syncFolderId,
    PropertySet propertySet,
    Iterable<ItemId>? ignoredItemIds,
    int maxChangesReturned,
    int numberOfDays,
    SyncFolderItemsScope syncScope,
    String? syncState) {
  EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(syncFolderId, "syncFolderId");
  EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(propertySet, "propertySet");

  SyncFolderItemsRequest request = new SyncFolderItemsRequest(this);

  request.SyncFolderId = syncFolderId;
  request.PropertySet = propertySet;
  if (ignoredItemIds != null) {
  request.MaxChangesReturned = maxChangesReturned;
  request.NumberOfDays = numberOfDays;
  request.SyncScope = syncScope;
  request.SyncState = syncState;

  return request;